Monday, August 1, 2016
Case Digest: Labayog v. M.Y. San Biscuits
M.Y. SAN BISCUITS, INC. and MEW WAH LIM, respondents
G.R. No. 148102, 11 July 2006.
Corona, J.:
On various dates in 1992, petitioners entered into contracts of employment with respondent company as mixers, packers and machine operators for a fixed term. On the expiration of their contracts, their services were terminated. Forthwith, they each executed a quitclaim.
Petitioners filed complaints for illegal dismissal, among others. The labor arbiter ruled their dismissal to be illegal on the ground that they had become regular employees who performed duties necessary and desirable in respondent company's business and ordered for their reinstatement.
The NLRC reversed the ruling, which the CA eventually affirmed.
ISSUE: W/N the fixed term contract of petitioners were valid.
Where the duties of the employee consist of activities which are necessary or desirable in the usual business of the employer, the parties are not prohibited from agreeing on the duration of employment. Article 280 of the Labor Code does not proscribe or prohibit an employment contract with a fixed period provided it is not intended to circumvent the security of tenure.
Two criteria validate a contract of employment with a fixed period: (1) the fixed period of employment was knowingly and voluntarily agreed upon by the parties without any force, duress or improper pressure being brought to bear on the employee and without any circumstances vitiating consent or, (2) it satisfactorily appears that the employer and employee dealt with each other on more or less equal terms with no moral dominance whatever being exercised by the former on the latter. Against these criteria, petitioners' contracts of employment with a fixed period were valid.
In this case, there was no allegation of vitiated consent. Respondents did not exercise moral dominance over petitioners. The contracts were mutually advantageous to the parties.
While their employment as mixers, packers and machine operators was necessary and desirable in the usual business of respondents, they were employed temporarily only, during periods when there was heightened demand for production. Consequently, there could have been no illegal dismissal when their services were terminated on expiration of their contracts. There was even no need for notice of termination because they knew exactly when their contracts would end. Contracts of employment for a fixed period terminate on their own at the end of such period.
Case Digest,
Fixed Term Employment,
Labor Law
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
2015 Bar Exam Results
2015 Bar Exam Results (Released on 3 May 2016)
1. ABAD, Leslie Glenne C
2. ABAD, Rachel Ann Katrina P
3. ABEL, Jhoanna Marie M
4. ABELARDO, Mark Joseph B
5. ABELLA, Sonny Xavier S
6. ABELLANA, Lutche V
7. ABELLON, Mary May A
8. ABIAD, Shirley Ann N
9. ABIERA, Jose Sandino B
10. ABIERA, Rose Anne L
11. ABIOG, Ro Megan Lea B
12. ABOLAIS, Nurhainie S
13. ABREGANA, Dhetty Joy B
14. ABRIL, Donn Ed Martin A
15. ABRUGENA, Ma. Ann Klaudine C
16. ABSIN, Patrick Bryan E
17. ABU, Arik Aaron C
18. ABUBAKAR, III, Ismael G
19. ACASIO, Michael T
20. ACAYLAR, Cattleya B
21. ACEBEDO, Rafael Antonio M
22. ACEDILLA, Salvador V
23. ACORDA, Rosechelan Charity G
24. ACOSTA, Julius Patrick C
25. ADALEM, Jay Paolo C
26. ADAMI, Cherryl S
27. ADAO, Mica Maurinne M
28. ADIA, Iris Jazelle P
30. ADRALES, Judessa Mae D
31. AG-AGWA, Rassel Leah A
32. AGA, Greg Mari M
33. AGADER, Charisse Ann C
34. AGADIER, Ickey Rod T
35. AGANAP, Elizabeth Anne Y
36. AGAS, III, Felicisimo F
37. AGATEP, Christopher Lauren R
38. AGBAYANI, Juan Paolo C
39. AGDAMAG, Joseph Giancarlo C
40. AGOOT, Ryan D
41. AGOR, Ariel L
42. AGSAULIO, Janette I
43. AGUHOB, Rachiene C
44. AGUILAR, Jayson C
45. AGUILERA, Kim Angerie B
46. AGUS, Yehlen C
47. AGUSTIN, Rona Rikka Angel G
48. AIDA, Akemi B
50. ALAGBAN, Aiken G
51. ALARILLA, Francesca Camille L
52. ALBA, Jhony Martin J
53. ALBA, Jonathan S
54. ALBOR, Raphaela G
55. ALCANTARA, Kriseth M
56. ALCANTARA, Raymond P
58. ALDUESO, Hyacinth B
59. ALEJO, Jeffry A
60. ALENTON, III, Gregrio R
61. ALFONSO, Maria Josefina R
62. ALICANDO, Krister Shaun Prinz M
63. ALIGORA, Cecille S
64. ALIM, Mohammad Fyzee P
65. ALIMODIAN, Cherryl B
66. ALIVIO, Hanes Louise M
67. ALIX, Keeshia Alyanna H
68. ALIÑO, Jacqueline Leoncia M
69. ALLAS, Aira Kristina M
70. ALLAS, Lyra Cecille V
71. ALMADRO, Mary Katherine C
72. ALMARIO, Carlo Inocencio F
74. ALOJADO, James Patrick O
75. ALON, Veronica O
76. ALONZO, Fernando B
78. ALVAREZ, Ma. Jessa M
79. ALYASA, Nadjera A
80. AMADOR, Ronald S
81. AMANTILLO, Anne Marie Joy B
82. AMEDA, Kenjie C
83. AMON, Paul Elbert E
84. AMOROSO, Love G
85. AMPONG, Alpha Grace P
86. AMWAO, Glory Pearl D
87. ANASTACIO, Dave Oliver P
88. ANDERSON, Mandy Therese M
89. ANDRES, Robert Joseph M
90. ANG, Jenica S
91. ANG, Marilen R
92. ANGUB, Tani M
93. ANSALAN, Ma. Pamela Aloha C
94. ANTONIO, Mona Liza D
95. ANTONIO, Robinson G
97. ANUNCIO, Rosalyn Ruth S
98. ANZO, JR., Nilo M
99. ANZURES, Jacquelyn Ann Marie G
100. APAD, Rachell C
101. APIGO, Reshel Amor D
102. APODERADO, JR., Ernesto A
103. APOLONIO, Julie Belle A
104. APOSTOL, Danielle D
105. AQUINO, Alexis Ann V
106. AQUINO, Andrei Laurence V
107. AQUINO, Gil Anthony E
108. AQUINO, Shiena Angela DR
109. ARAFAG, Karen B
110. ARANAS, Agnes B
111. ARANETA, Alfrederick C
112. ARBOLADO, Jan Michael V
113. ARBOLADURA, Mary Grace S
114. ARCEGA, Baby Perian R
115. ARCEO, Reginald M
116. ARCILLAS, Rosela N
117. AREJOLA, Ralph Raymond P
118. AREJOLA, JR., Romeo P
119. ARELLANO, Loriejay D
120. ARELLANO, Raysun R
121. ARIETE, Richard A
122. ARIÑAS, JR., Marianito B
123. ARNADO, Sedfrey Jay M
124. ARQUILLO, Buena G
125. ARRIESGADO, Ranier O
126. ARROYO, Laarni Gay C
127. ARTAIZ, Luis Alfonso E
128. ARUGAY, Glory Grace J
129. ASAMA, Jennifer T
130. ASCAÑO, Bon Gerard D
131. ASISTIDO, Andrei T
132. ASLOR, Gilbert P
133. ASORIO, Shiela Mae S
134. ASPILAN, William, Jr. P
135. ASUNCION, Mark Anthony A
136. ASUNCION, Ria Vanessa DS
137. ASUNCION, JR., Dionicio R
138. ATIBAGOS, II, Jose A
139. ATIENZA, Elaine A
140. ATILLO, Maria Olivia Ana R
141. ATRILLANO, Ervin Shaun S
142. AUSTRIA, Jessa F
143. AVELLANO, Jenny Rose G
144. AWATIN, Meliza Ann R
145. AYAP, Manuel C
146. AZARCON, Jerome T
147. AZIS, Jauhari C
148. AZURIN, Paula Beatriz L
149. BABATE, Gerard D
150. BABOR, Mark Christopher A
151. BACANI, Bianca Mae Y
152. BACANI, Luigi A
153. BACULI, Adolf Kissenger P
154. BACULO, Tyron Kim D
155. BADILLO, JR., IV, Avelino C
156. BADUA, Kristine F
157. BADUA, Ma. Jhunelle A
158. BAER, Rizsa Rose S
159. BAGALACSA, Omar V
160. BAGGAY, Joefer B
161. BAGUL, Sharmila R
162. BAKER, Kathlyn A
163. BALABA, Jean Charity C
164. BALADBAD, Mayer B
165. BALAGOT, Jessie C
166. BALAGTAS, Carl Edison M
167. BALAGTAS, Nest Deo L
168. BALAHADIA, Arrabelle Anne Carlene E
169. BALAIS, Ryan E
170. BALARES, Her Lynn F
171. BALAUAG, Kim L
172. BALBERAN, Germarie I
173. BALBOA, Donna Ann T
174. BALBON, Cretchen B
175. BALBUENA, Julius Ceasar M
176. BALDONADO, Kathy Florence M
177. BALDONADO, Nelson Kevin G
178. BALDUEZA, Ma. Luz Concepcion M
179. BALINGIT, Ana Ria G
180. BALINGIT, Jessica Marie S
181. BALITE, Paul Heherson M
182. BALJON, Al Whilan A
183. BALLEDO, Brando T
184. BALLESTA, Ma. Norma S
185. BALLESTEROS, Chelsea Joyce C
186. BALMEDIANO, JR., Jimmy N
187. BALTAZAR, Kimberly C
188. BALUGO, Percival M
189. BALUYUT, Maria Corazon O
190. BANAKEN, Jula A
191. BANASEN, JR., Robert V
192. BANATAO, April Rose Y
193. BANGANAN, Kristen Gay M
194. BANIQUED, Astrid Arielle I
195. BANIQUED, Janet D
196. BANTIGUE, Mark Aldrin Josel D
197. BANTUG, Maria Teresa Margarita Beatriz D
198. BANZON, Kris Marian D
199. BARATETA, Franco David B
200. BARCENA, Hanna H
201. BARCENA, Mike Joseph V
202. BARCENAS, Karl Rainier R
203. BARILLO, Frederick R
204. BARO, Gerald Dick B
205. BARONA, Hera Aiza Marie A
206. BARRAMEDA, Jener B
207. BARREDA, Marie Ronette Salve E
208. BARREDO, Edward B
209. BARRETTO, Eloisa R
210. BARRETTO, Miguel Angelo T
211. BARRIDO, Noliver F
212. BARRON, Anna Lea A
213. BARROZO, Shiela Joanne T
214. BARSAGA, Delbert John Z
215. BAS, Marc Arthur I
216. BASA, Heaven Leigh P
217. BASAN, Emelita C
218. BASCARA, Liselle Angela I
219. BASCO, Lisa C
220. BASUNGIT, Antonio, Jr. L
221. BATAC, Catherine L
222. BATICADOS, Paul Ivan R
223. BATONGHINOG, JR., Minrado DG
224. BATULA, Vanessa D
225. BAUTISTA, Bjorn Jorrell A
226. BAUTISTA, Cecille Catherine A
227. BAUTISTA, Justa Aurea G
228. BAUTISTA, Khersien Y
229. BAUTISTA, Marian Wilma H
230. BAUTISTA, Rodmel L
231. BAUTISTA, Sherlyn Lourdes T
232. BAUTISTA, Sid Angelo M
233. BAY-AN, Jayran Lowen D
234. BAYA, Hanie Lou A
235. BAYALAS, Brendale S
236. BAYON, Paula Bianca C
237. BAÑEZ, Laarni E
238. BEBELONE, Diana Mae R
239. BEBLANIAS-PILI, Retchie B
240. BECINA, Garret Neil A
241. BEDRIO, Julie Ann A
242. BEJER, Jomarie Christie G
243. BELARMINO, II, Jose Amelito S
244. BELDEROL, John Alexander S
245. BELDUA, Kenneth Vincent P
246. BELEN-GARRO, Liddy Jane C
247. BELLEN, Erwin B
248. BELLINGAN, Gracelyn E
249. BELTRAN, Rochezka Bianca R
250. BENITEZ, Paolo M
251. BERGANTIN, Kenneth Yves C
252. BERMAS, Joanalen G
253. BERMUDEZ, Dominic O
254. BERMUDO, Johanna Marie B
255. BERNARDO, John Michael A
256. BERNARDO, Paolo Miguel Q
257. BEROS, Madelyn C
258. BEÑAS, Frediswenda B
259. BIAG, Luigi L
260. BIALA, Dan Paul C
261. BIAS, Marcos E
262. BIAY, Kristian A
263. BIDES, Reden B
264. BIGAY, Daryl Jacob F
265. BINALLA, Jeremy Kay D
266. BISCAYDA, Kristel Joy P
267. BISNAR, Ryan Ric B
268. BITON, Johnbee R
269. BLANCO, Paul Danico C
270. BOAGING, Anthonette A
271. BODIONGAN, Glein Mark L
272. BOHOL, Dennis S
273. BOLA, Lorelei P
274. BOLANTE, Jose Roberto D
275. BONAOBRA, Ma. Evanor B
276. BONAVENTE, Arianne Q
277. BONGALON, Hendrix C
278. BONIFACIO, JR., Romeo E
279. BONTO, Renato R
280. BONTUYAN, Alvin G
281. BORBE, Magdalena A
282. BORILE, Ronald S
283. BORINAGA, Joey M
284. BORLASA, Renato B
285. BORRES, Abegail Mari F
286. BOÑAGA, Juliet V
287. BRAGADO, Cassandra I
288. BRIEVA, Rickee Gerald D
289. BRIONES, Keith Francis R
290. BRIONES, Lorenzo Jared J
291. BRISTOL, Murli Manohar Das E
292. BUAN, Noelle Jenina Francesca E
293. BUAN, Princess L
294. BUCA, Julie Merriam L
295. BUCCAT, JR., Honorio G
296. BUELA, Krisha Marie T
300. BUENO, Karen Ann S
301. BUESER, Jan-michael C
302. BUGAYONG, Monica G
303. BULAC, Katherine Grace C
304. BUNA CRUZ, Greta M
305. BUSAL, Hail O
306. BUSTAMANTE, Darniel R
307. BUSTONERA, Maria Carmela D
308. BUSWAY, Julius A
309. BUTED, Mabel L
310. CABADING, Maria Corazon V
311. CABALLERO, Cliford C
312. CABALLERO, Krisna Samantha T
313. CABALZA-NAPOLES, Maria Annely I
314. CABANLAS, Melanie Mae C
315. CABARRUBIAS, Donna Marie P
316. CABATU, Ricky Boy V
317. CABBUAG, Karla A
318. CABERGAS, Mary Anne S
319. CABILE, Kiarra Nastazsa Adrienne A
320. CABILI, Karl T
321. CABRAL, David Rence R
322. CABRALES, Diana May V
323. CABUNOC, Pearl Joan M
324. CAC, Corina P
325. CADAG, Maria Donnabelle M
326. CADIATAN, Jonah Liz A
327. CADIZ, Jethro Jed S
328. CADWISING, Rachanne C
329. CAGUIOA, Leon Maria Angel P
330. CAGURANGAN, JR., Tranquilino R
331. CAHILOG, Kent Joel T
332. CAINDAY, Jennebeth Kae B
333. CALALO, Mara Erna Azalea F
334. CALDINO, Hannah V
335. CALITIS, Niño Jandy P
336. CALIZO, Ruby Ann D
337. CALLUENG, Rene A
338. CALMARES, Ian J
339. CALO, Ma. Lorena L
340. CALUGAS, Ronelo C
341. CAMACHO, Christopher Renier C
342. CAMAT, Rocel Ann Dolores M
343. CAMBRI, Romar B
344. CAMINADE, Richard Rey T
345. CAMINO, Marie Louise N
346. CAMIÑA, Gerard Martin S
347. CAMPILLA, Adrian B
348. CAMPOS, Martin Rosendo L
349. CANCIO, James Francis M
350. CANDAO, Fahd A
351. CANONCE, Katrina B
352. CAPILI, Amorie Carla B
353. CAPINPIN, Jaymie D
354. CAPOCYAN, Genesis D
355. CAPON, Donn Serpico C
356. CAPUCHINO, II, Hermenegildo C
357. CAPUNO, Raegan L
358. CAPUYAN, Kevin Kaizer Dave K
359. CARAIG, Jane Donna C
360. CARANDANG, Airene P
361. CARANDANG, Nina Herschelica L
362. CARBONELL, Zhanika Marie O
363. CARDINES, Alvin P
364. CARIAGA, JR., Constancio P
365. CARILLO, Palma Clarissa V
366. CARINGAL, Kristia Lorraine V
367. CARIÑO, Charlotte M
368. CARIÑO, Marianne M
369. CARPENTERO, William G
370. CARRILLO, JR., Crisanto C
371. CARROLLO, JR., Clemente L
372. CARUÑGAY, Joy Samantha G
373. CASABAR, Ryan Armand L
374. CASADOR, Althea Mae P
375. CASIAO, Nanet S
376. CASIHAN, Ma. Isabelita R
377. CASIMPAN, Cybele Arianne Lee J
378. CASTILLO, Leah Francesca M
379. CASTILLO, Sherryl Joy N
380. CASTILLONES, Pacifico Ismael M
381. CASTRO, Jennifer Marie G
382. CATACUTAN, Darlene J
383. CATALUÑA, Lesly Ann J
384. CATANI, Ritchel S
385. CATAPANG, Kaye Danica H
386. CATARMAN, Piña Luz P
387. CATIPON, Ivy O
388. CAÑADA, Kaitlin Mary Cor L
389. CEMINE, Vivienne Jonnah R
390. CENGCA, Ma. Kristine Gay M
391. CEPIDA, Ericson T
392. CERO, Iris Fatima V
393. CEZAR, Karen Bianca Angeli S
394. CEZAR, Mark Jacinto D
395. CEÑIDOZA, Kriszanne Cerrise P
396. CHAN, Christian Philip B
397. CHAN, Hannah Isabella P
398. CHAN, Hobart H
399. CHAN, Jan Franz Norbert Joselito A
400. CHAN, Luigine Christi C
401. CHATTO, Ruby Jean G
402. CHAVEZ, Abigael R
403. CHAVEZ, Charlemagne Rae P
404. CHAVEZ, Cheysson A
405. CHAVEZ, Jino Karlo M
406. CHAVEZ, Marian Camille E
407. CHING, Maria Adela C
408. CHIONG, Darwin V
409. CHUA, Angelica A
410. CHUA, Gladys Kaye L
411. CHUA, James Michael T
412. CHUA, Jantzen Joe C
413. CHUA, Jeremy Ryan C
414. CHUA, Kara Mae Aurora R
415. CIMATU, Maria Faiva S
416. CIRUELOS, Mary Grace B
417. CIRUNAY, Sonny Paul R
418. CLAREZA, Kathleen May O
419. CLEOFAS, Benz G
420. CO, Anna Margarita K
421. CO, Jessica Anne G
422. CO, Jon Eric G
423. COBANKIAT, Camille N
424. COBARRUBIAS, Maria Graciela C
425. COKALIONG, Chesna Y
426. COLIS, Roselette Ann A
427. COLLADO, JR., Manolyn A
428. COLLE, Kristine Keith N
429. COMACASAR, Farhanisah D
430. COMAGUL, Aliah M
431. COMENDADOR, Jona Mae C
432. COMIA, Antonette T
433. COMIA, Trixy L
434. CONALES, Zulikha Marie S
435. CONCEPCION, Alain Kris C
436. CONCEPCION, Halie C
437. CONCEPCION, Warren B
438. CONCORDIA, Carlo Miguel SP
439. CONEJOS, Rafael Lorenzo G
440. CONSIGNADO, Mailyn P
441. CONTRERAS, Florence N
442. CORALES, Francis Paul T
443. CORDOVA, William B
444. CORRALES, Marlon M
445. CORREA, Ma. Criselda B
446. CORRIGE, Rency Y
447. COSICO, Michiko V
448. CRON, Clarizza D
449. CRUZ, Christine Bernadette U
450. CRUZ, Giancarlo A
451. CRUZ, Novy Marie S
452. CRUZ, Rheena Lyn L
453. CRUZ, Roxanne Marie Q
454. CRUZ, Tzeitel Christine DG
455. CRUZ, Xinia Carmela B
456. CRUZ, JR., Romeo B
457. CUA, Michael Pio V
458. CUANAN, Arjay Louie Eu B
459. CUDIA, Jane Victoria A
460. CUERDO, Winnie Anne S
461. CUEVAS, Julius N
462. CUEVAS, Leslie Joy L
463. CUISON, Melvin John Q
464. CUNANAN, Marco Polo E
465. CUPIN, Rosemarie Louise C
466. DABALOS, Kristina P
467. DACANAY, Ma. Cecilia Y
468. DACAY, Ernie Jerome Q
469. DAGBAY, Stacykitz J
470. DAING, Paul Patrick D
471. DALANAO, Gretchen Joy G
472. DANAO, Vic Darryl A
473. DANTES, Edmond V
474. DAPAING, Emman Rey F
475. DATU, Sabrina C
477. DAVID, Dennice Erica L
478. DAVID, Mike Gerald C
479. DAYAG, Richard G
480. DAYTO, Mary Grace S
481. DE ALBAN, Marlon Joseph M
482. DE BORJA, Esperanza Angela A
483. DE CASTRO, April P
484. DE CASTRO, Ian Julius S
485. DE CHAVEZ, Karren Mae C
486. DE DIOS, Kennex P
487. DE GUZMAN, Christopher Tom C
488. DE GUZMAN, Daisy Joy R
489. DE GUZMAN, Errica Marie N
490. DE GUZMAN, Jarren Neil D
491. DE GUZMAN, Kathleen Kay A
492. DE GUZMAN, Maria Corazon Y
493. DE GUZMAN, Sabrina Louise M
494. DE GUZMAN, Sheila O
495. DE JESUS, Charisma Michelle L
496. DE JESUS, Ramil F
497. DE LA CRUZ, Fatima Nica Q
498. DE LA CRUZ, Rhodalyn P
499. DE LA FUENTE, Dyan Angela A
500. DE LA PAZ, Anna Cristina B
501. DE LA SERNA, Christian Borg J
502. DE LEON, Diwata DR
503. DE LEON, Jenny Marie T
504. DE LOS SANTOS, Luciliza L
505. DE LOS SANTOS, Marifel B
506. DE LOS SANTOS, Robnette Mae C
507. DE LUMEN, Ramonchito L
508. DE MATIAS, Evelyn B
509. DE MESA, Jean Phebie G
510. DE VEYRA, Vanessa Gaye A
511. DE VILLA, Cipriana D
512. DEHAYCO, Don A
513. DEL CASTILLO, David I
514. DEL ROSARIO, Aaron John D
515. DEL ROSARIO, Elijah B
516. DEL ROSARIO, JR., Rodolfo B
517. DELA CRUZ, Flordeliza A
518. DELA CRUZ, Karen F
519. DELA CRUZ, Kevin Albert T
520. DELA CRUZ, Ma. Gesileth C
522. DELA MERCED, Blenda Czarinne R
523. DELA MERCED, Nicu L
524. DELAMBACA, Francis Erick D
525. DELDIO, Manuel F
526. DELGADO, Alvin G
527. DELLOSA, Mark Kevin U
528. DENTE, Kim D
529. DEOCAMPO, Randeil D
530. DERIJE, John Frederick E
531. DESCALLAR, Hannah Percival B
532. DESOACIDO, James Mareck M
533. DESTURA, Kristina Bianca D
534. DEVESA, Van Lee Roy C
535. DIAO, Jan Claude A
536. DIAZ, Carlo Artemus V
537. DIAZ, Ragesan M
538. DIAZ, Veronica B
539. DICDICAN, Oliver Y
540. DIEZ, Samantha C
542. DIMAANO, Mae Anne R
543. DIMALANTA, Angelica Rose C
544. DIMAPILIS, Jomarc Philip E
545. DIMAYUGA, Leoncia Ma. Cecilia M
546. DIONIO, Jose Mari Angelo A
547. DIRON, Al Hamid P
548. DISAMBURUN, Moh'd Hussein Jaded A
549. DISONGLO, Rose Lyn A
550. DITCHON, Irelan B
551. DIVINO, Lauren Gail D
552. DIZON, Raphael James F
553. DIZON-CATBAGAN, Ma. Liberty Rio P
554. DOMADALUG, Moumina Sheryne L
555. DOMINGO, Julius Caesar G
556. DOMINGO, Maria Czabrina O
557. DOMINGO, Rodalyn P
558. DOMINGUITA, Aladdin P
559. DORADO, Cheryl T
560. DUKA, Gian Jaime A
561. DULAY, Armand Louis T
562. DULDULAO, Christian T
563. DUMA, Stephen John M
564. DUMALANTA, Kristine Draei V
565. DUMASI, Charles A
566. DUP-ET, Carol S
567. DUREZA, Christy Theresa Bernadette A
568. DY, Dranreb U
569. DY, Erik Lawrence S
570. DY, Zara Marie
571. DYOCO, Maria Gracia D
572. ECAL, Erly Z
573. ECO, Christian G
574. EDIZA-ROSALES, Clairol Sienna Marie M
575. EDOS, Jumie Ann O
576. ELAURIA, Erla Rhysa R
577. ELNAS, Karen T
578. EMPAYNADO, Karen G
579. ENAJE, Albert L
580. ENDRINAL, Alvin P
581. ENRILE, April V
582. ENRIQUEZ, Ra Solomon A
583. ERACHO, Marian Kamille F
584. ERFE, Nazi Jester U
585. ERIGA, Ronald Fredric H
586. ESCABARTE, Regant C
587. ESCALA, JR., Vicente V
588. ESCANER, Michael Joseph L
589. ESCOBER, Paulo A
590. ESCUDERO, Allen Michael B
591. ESCUREL, Albert John L
592. ESGUERRA, Dondie Q
593. ESPARAGOZA, Michael Jorge T
594. ESPAÑOLA, JR., Leopoldo D
595. ESPINA-ABELLANA, Christina Angeli C
596. ESPINOSA, Aida Raissa T
597. ESPIRITU, Enrico A
598. ESPIRITU, France Leonor R
599. ESPIRITU, Marie Dainne V
600. ESPIRITU, Peter Guan S
601. ESPLANA, Maria Carla A
602. ESPLANADA-LLANES, Maria Czarina T
603. ESTANIEL, Leo Antoni C
604. ESTANISLAO, William George L
605. ESTEBAN, Fidel L
606. ESTELEYDES, James Bryan V
607. ESTEVEZ, Lara Victoria O
608. ESTILLES, JR., Ronald G
609. ESTIPONA, Joshua Psalm R
610. ESTRADA, Lovely C
611. ESTRADA, Nestonel F
613. ESTRELLA, Jeziel H
614. ESTREMADURA, Joan Janneth M
615. EUGENIO, Bernadette A
616. EUSTAQUIO, Jesse Neil C
617. EXCHAURE, Iris Katrine M
618. FABIAN, Jessielle Ann C
619. FAISAL, Abdul Nassif M
620. FAJARDO, Renee Mark Q
621. FAJARDO, Vincent James V
622. FANGAYEN, Visitacion S
623. FANTILANAN, Chary Lou R
624. FELICIANO, Ma. Priscilla Olivia C
625. FELICIANO, Redentor A
626. FERANDO, Arlene B
627. FERMIN, III, Jann Victor D
628. FERNANDEZ, Jessa Mariz R
629. FERNANDEZ, Maximillian King Z
630. FERNANDEZ, Milagros Katarina A
631. FERNANDEZ, Myra May R
632. FERNANDO, Eunika Raiza V
633. FERNANDO, Jemima B
634. FERNANDO, Lara Carmela G
635. FERNANDO, Mervin Jay R
636. FERRER, Arianne Dominique T
637. FERRER, Euvic M
638. FERRER, Jeanne Carla T
639. FERRER, John Vincent S
640. FERRER, Josephine L
641. FILIPINO, Arturo C
642. FIRMALO, Rebecca M
643. FLORANDA, Geraiza Joy M
644. FLORENDO, Stephanie S
645. FLORES, Donna Marie C
646. FLORETE, Mary Christine Salome C
648. FOOKSON, Clement Bryce B
649. FORMALEJO, Wilfried P
650. FORTUNO, Marienell G
651. FRANCISCO, Caesar Jose F
652. FRANCISCO, Francis G
653. FRANCISCO, Ma. Lani Laurette P
654. FRANCISCO, Marie Denise R
655. FRIAS, Kristina Paola P
656. FUELLAS, Vincent Raymond G
657. FUGGAN, Mariah-janina M
658. FULGENCIO, Alex R
659. GABALES, Gemco C
660. GABAT, Elvis B
661. GACAYAN, Joseph S
662. GALAMGAM, Ariel C
663. GALANTO, Diric V
664. GALAPATE, Erika Krizia M
665. GALLARDO, Enrique A
666. GALLEGO, Arthur Gabriel L
667. GALLEGO, Rajane R
668. GALLEON, Darcee Lois B
669. GALON, Jeric Angelo B
670. GALURA, Ivan Mark C
671. GALVEZ, Genaro N
672. GALVEZ, Kenneth Beneri A
673. GAMBET, Elynur H
674. GAMMAD, Vivien Gay T
675. GAN, Jorella P
676. GAN, Ruby Charmaine U
677. GANAN, Ramon Christopher
678. GANTUANGCO, Gilianne Kathryn L
679. GAPUZ, Golda Julia S
680. GARAY, Florentine T
681. GARAY, Franz Liz R
682. GARCES, Reena Joy G
683. GARCIA, Anne Loraine C
684. GARCIA, Hanna Keila H
685. GARCIA, Jenric Y
686. GARCIA, Karmela Trisha P
687. GARCIA, Kenneth C
688. GARCIA, Maria Jessica Erlinda Angela M
689. GARCIA, Nikki A
690. GARCIA, Patricia Anne E
691. GARONG, Daisy Mae P
692. GARRIDO, Mark Isaak S
693. GASPAR, Maria Paula D
694. GASTARDO, Emildan M
695. GATCHALIAN, Bernard Jonathan L
696. GATDULA, Ann Kathleen C
697. GAUD, Ma. Charisse E
698. GAYAS, Issa G
700. GENCIANEO, Ian Dj D
701. GENERAL, Carol Anne A
702. GENOTA, Mell Anthony L
703. GEONANGA, Ian Michel G
704. GERALDEZ, JR., Norberto P
705. GERODIAS, Beverly Flair G
706. GERONA, Allen Jeil L
707. GERONG, Dael Churchill T
708. GERSALIA, Lawrence Earl Roy A
709. GILBUENA, Darlene D
710. GIPULLA, Leigh Angeli C
711. GIRAO, Christia Sheine E
712. GIVERO, Katrina Kris Gabrielle S
713. GLINDO, Aggy Christine F
714. GLORIA, Carlo Cris V
715. GLORIA, Nadine Alessandra S
716. GO, Jason Edward G
717. GO, Kristine S
718. GOGO, Forcrissa S
719. GOGO, Lee Arvin D
720. GOINGO, Francis Josef T
721. GOJUNCO, Trina Donabelle R
722. GOMEZ, Rameses DT
723. GONZAGA, Leonette Marie L
724. GONZALES, Abbygaile T
725. GONZALES, Aizza L
726. GONZALES, Ariel D
727. GONZALES, Athanasia Zoe A
728. GONZALES, Cler Thea C
729. GONZALES, Jose Ma. Ronaldo D
730. GONZALES, Rionald J
731. GONZALGO, Azenith P
732. GONZALODO, Arnold M
733. GOPICO, III, Aventino S
734. GOZUN, Robicka Mae C
735. GOÑO, Cielo Marjorie A
736. GRAFILO, Sarah Jeanne H
737. GRANADILLOS, Dennis L
738. GRANADO, Lorelee Margaret T
739. GRANTOZA, Charles Joseph L
740. GRANTOZA, Jerilee H
741. GRATELA, Alexxis Monique O
742. GREGORIO, Alvin Clyde O
743. GREGORIO, Barbie Jan V
744. GREGORIO, Emmanuelle Hendrix C
745. GUANGKO, Keisha Trina M
746. GUANSING, Hazel Ritz D
747. GUARINO, Maria Victoria G
748. GUARINO, Michell B
749. GUIFAYA, Florence Kathleen L
750. GUILLEN, Maria Lourdes P
751. GUILLERMO, Marvic Vonn B
752. GUIMBARDA, JR., Rodolfo M
753. GUINTO, Aleli R
754. GUMABAO, Reiland G
755. GUMPAL, Angeli Anne L
756. GURO, JR., Manggay G
757. GUTIERREZ, Katrina Francesca Martha G
758. HABANA, Janeth G
759. HADAP, Nancy R
760. HADJIUSMAN, Jamalodin L
761. HAGAD, Imelda Maira H
762. HALOS, Aeron Aldrich B
763. HATOL, Martin Michael U
764. HAUTEA, Maria Carmela D
765. HERNANDEZ, Divina Gracia A
766. HERNANDEZ, Gertrude Feliz A
767. HERNANDEZ, Giselle P
768. HERNANDEZ, Jedd Brian R
769. HERNANDEZ, Jovelyn R
770. HERNANDEZ, Kym Leiner C
771. HERNANDEZ, Richard A
773. HERRERA, Karla Margarita L
774. HERRERA, III, Ernesto C
775. HILAO, Denise C
776. HIPOLITO, Egm Anmar F
777. HIPOLITO, Kathleen Kirby P
778. HIÑOLA, Vincent P
779. HONGCO, Junnie Vee D
780. HORMILLOSA, Hazel Faith J
781. HUI, Aldrich Ransleigh M
782. IBARRA-SAGAY, Ann Cristine S
783. IBAÑEZ, John Eddu V
784. IBERA, Gerald T
785. IGNACIO, Gabriel Lorenzo L
786. IJIN, Mohammad Ijin E
787. ILAGAN, Kerstin Kaye L
788. ILAGAN, Maria Charis Kay S
789. ILAGAN, Robee Marie M
790. ILAO, JR., Moreno M
791. ILLESCAS, Noel Kris E
792. IMBAT, Oswald P
793. INDINO, Ofelia M
794. INOT, Roneil L
795. INTON, Ferdinand P
796. ISRAEL, Roxan Gracielle D
797. ITUTUD, Judeus B
798. JACILDO, Jecca B
799. JADAP, Daughnilen S
800. JAMILA, Ricci A
801. JAMONER, Paul James T
802. JAMORA, Norman Jay F
803. JANOLO, Celine-maria B
804. JARO, Jan-michael P
805. JAVELOSA, III, Narciso F
806. JAVELOSA, III, Ranulfo J
807. JAVIER, Gemma Andrea C
808. JAVIER, Mary Grace L
809. JAVIER, Ryan Joseph N
810. JHOCSON, Anna Patricia T
811. JIMENEZ, Jason S
812. JOEL, Alvin Divino R
813. JOLITO, Joenifer S
814. JOSE, JR., Andres S
815. JOSOL, John Daryl D
816. JOVEN, Eric Samuel P
817. JUAN, II, Virginio C
818. JULIAN, Nicole Alora G
819. JUMAMIL, Devona H
820. JUNCO, Michelle P
821. JUNTILLA, Edryne Jeth F
822. JUSAY, Maria Christina M
823. KADIL, Kal Kausar S
824. KAGAOAN, Anna Maria D
825. KAHULUGAN, Auda Bea P
826. KALAW, Katrina L
827. KAPAWEN, Aubrey Macnee A
828. KAPUNAN, Ceasario Rex P
829. KARIM, Sittie Nadia M
830. KASILAG-SANCHEZ, Lucrecia Cecilia C
831. KHO, Rhacq B
832. KING, Charlotte Y
833. KING, Clarizel L
834. KING, Kathleen Anne S
835. KING, Keith Elbert C
836. KING, Maximilian P
837. KINTANAR, Paula Carissa V
838. KREBS, Kyle Malachy S
839. LABAJANAN, Michelle C
840. LABISIG, Hansard G
841. LABRO, Jerueh L
842. LABTIC, Clint Octavius E
843. LABUGUEN, Peter Jhon O
844. LACABA, Harold B
845. LACAS, Jose Mari Carlo D
846. LACAS, JR., Pascual A
847. LACSINA, Conrad Smith C
848. LADESMA, Gean Yvish R
849. LADINES, Giovanni Christian D
850. LADOT, Delight B
851. LADRINGAN, Maranatha Praise D
852. LAGASON, Paula Grace C
853. LAGMAN, Kathleen Halley M
854. LAGOS, Marita P
855. LAGROSAS, Sheryl Christine V
857. LAIZ, III, Francisco C
858. LAJA, Lanoel S
859. LAMBINO, Meryllainne Rhacquel DG
860. LAMEN-LEGANO, Florence Gay C
861. LAMPA-MANALO, Nina Luisa S
862. LANTAJO, Czarina Rose T
864. LAO, Niniveh B
865. LAPIÑA, Carmichael C
866. LAPUT, Rena Mae A
867. LAROSA, Raynan A
868. LASERNA, Lorielle R
869. LAUBAN, Norhussien U
870. LAURAYA, Jedidiah Martin M
871. LAURENCIANA, Jackelyn B
872. LAUT, Soraya S
873. LAWAGAN, Roy P
874. LAWAGAN, JR., Guillermo F
875. LAYGO, Annie Grace A
876. LAYSON, Avegail P
877. LAZARO, Jacquelyn D
878. LAZARO, Loralyn Anne R
879. LEAÑO, Maria Ofelia S
880. LEDESMA, Lloyd Paul C
881. LEE, Jeanelle C
882. LEE, Kathleen Sherry U
883. LEGASPI, Aaron Jeric M
884. LEGASPI, Maricris G
885. LEGASPI, Marjorie C
886. LEGURPA, Marlon D
887. LEONAR, April Joy B
888. LEQUIGAN, Kaye Hazel C
889. LESTERIO, Nizza P
890. LEVANZA, Ernest P
891. LIANKO, Kathreen Jessica M
892. LIAO, Kirby Bryan M
893. LIBA, Maria Celirina S
894. LIBERATO, Nathaniel P
895. LIBONGCO, Karl Francis A
896. LIM, Arl P
897. LIM, Debbie Anne Y
898. LIM, Paolo Carlo O
899. LIM, Richard Allan A
900. LIM, Robert Jay T
901. LIMCUMPAO, Benigno Russ M
902. LIMFUECO, Shiella Jane R
903. LIMJAP, Michelle F
904. LINA, Niño Don L
905. LINDAIN, Homer V
906. LITUAÑAS, Mary Rose C
907. LIU, Kristine Jane R
908. LIWANAG, Angeline A
909. LLANES, Chaz Angelo Joshua P
910. LOMBOY, Ana Marie C
911. LOMIOAN, Galao G
912. LONGAQUIT, Daniel P
913. LOPA, Maria Caterina Cristina R
914. LOPEZ, Ma. Carina G
915. LOR, Remfel G
916. LORAYES, Kristel Dominique A
917. LORENZO, Frances Adelaide C
918. LORICA, Juan Paolo D
919. LOZANO, Mark V
920. LU, Rochelle Rea A
921. LUBANTE, Jessica B
922. LUCAYLUCAY, Maicha M
923. LUCENARIO, Domingo Iii A
924. LUCILO, Ivy Suzieline E
925. LUGLUG, Jeremy B
926. LUGOD, Cherry Mae D
927. LUKBAN, Ken Xavier T
928. LUKBAN, Ma. Carmela L
929. LULU, John Albert B
930. LUMAPAS, Nestor Crispin Miguel B
931. LUNAR, Lorena Lerma M
932. LUSICA, Richard P
933. LUSUNG, JR., Augusto C
934. MABALOT, Mc Rhondolf Louie V
935. MABAZZA, Jason C
936. MACABABBAD, John Paul D
937. MACABAGDAL, Joanne O
938. MACABALES, John Gilbert F
939. MACABULOS, Eduardo Danilo F
940. MACALALAD, Cresta Amor R
941. MACALANDA, Marion Camille G
943. MACARAEG, Maureen Z
944. MACASA, Joseph Paul A
945. MACATUNO, Honey Leth T
946. MACOD, Sittie Rainnie G
947. MACROHON, Jenielyn A
948. MADARANG, Jo Ann Frances D
949. MADIO, Joel L
950. MADRILEÑO, Lowell Fredrick A
951. MAGA, Bryan John G
952. MAGALONG, Kristina Louise S
953. MAGBUHOS, Denise Dianne A
954. MAGLAQUE, Lorrielaine A
955. MAGLAYA, Cara Mariel S
956. MAGNO, Ian Alfredo T
957. MAGNO, Pacifico Angelo S
959. MAGPUSAO, Chris-jerome J
960. MAGSAYSAY, Margarita Lourdes F
961. MAGSUCI, Jelina Maree D
962. MAGTAGÑOB, Rosanne Jeli G
963. MAGTIBAY, Ma. Lia Karen S
964. MAGULTA, Lara Angela F
965. MALACAS, Ma. Regina O
966. MALANG, William Russel S
967. MALASAGA, Jay P
968. MALIONES, Karen Mae M
969. MAMACLAY, Rosecellini T
970. MAMURI, Jessica Maria M
971. MANAHAN, Lalaine M
972. MANAHAN, II, Zoilo M
973. MANALO, Jonas Anton M
974. MANALO, Mary Joanne M
975. MANALO, Patrick Austin R
976. MANANQUIL, Unica Amor R
977. MANANTAN, Jenny Flor T
978. MANATA, Lita A
979. MANAUIS, Arjay C
981. MANDAP, Joanna Rizza B
982. MANGACOP, Fahad D
983. MANGAHAS, Rosalina T
984. MANGALINDAN, Carmina M
985. MANGALINDAN, Shalom Joy L
986. MANGONDAYA, Aslimah S
987. MANGROBANG, Cristina Elaine D
988. MANGUBAT, Jan G
989. MANGUBAT, Kristine B
990. MANGUNAY, Ann Margaret Q
991. MANIBOG, Korina Ana T
992. MANIQUIS, Maria Estella M
993. MANRIQUE, Ali Loraine V
994. MANTARING, Jeffrey S
995. MANUEL, Maria Theresa Amor C
996. MANUEL, Mark Anthony N
997. MANUEL, Maxine Victor E
998. MANUTA, Michael Jan G
999. MANZANO, Arnold R
1001. MARALLAG-AVE, Kristine R
1002. MARAMAG, Jeremy Jones B
1003. MARANAN, Maica Maris D
1004. MARAVILLA, Mark Brian B
1005. MARIANO, Paul Webster M
1006. MARIANO, Sharmaine Reza B
1007. MARQUEZ, Vincent Mc Eduard M
1008. MARTIN, II, Lito Paolo T
1009. MARTINEZ, Anna Katrina M
1010. MARTINEZ, Emil Angelo C
1011. MARTINEZ, Krys Valen O
1012. MASCENON, Ana Graciella S
1013. MASONGSONG, Christian Leonard V
1014. MATABAN, Vincent C
1015. MATEN, Lene M
1016. MATEO, Jemen A
1017. MATEO, Maria Angelica M
1018. MATEO, Maygenica A
1019. MATIAS, Monchito N
1020. MATIBAG, Ramon Antonio L
1021. MATIVO, Kathleen A
1022. MATOTE, Sofia E
1023. MAULION, Rynbert Anthony L
1024. MAURICIO, Maria Luisa Dominique D
1025. MAURO, Sharilee Angela G
1026. MAUTANTE, Mariam G
1027. MAUYAG, Rishzmin P
1028. MAWIS, Sara Mae D
1029. MAXINO, Izzy Martin R
1030. MAYO, Carlo Magno K
1031. MAYOL, III, Alfredo L
1032. MAÑEGO, Julius Eleazar N
1033. MEDALLE, Mat Eric M
1034. MEDEQUISO, Gwendolyn P
1035. MEDINA, Angiereen D
1036. MEER, Jose Luis Francisco P
1037. MEJIA, Daryll Margaret V
1038. MELEGRITO, Mark John C
1039. MELOTE, Mark Paolo M
1040. MENCHAVEZ, JR., Eric M
1041. MENDEZ, Arvi Gale C
1042. MENDIOLA, Bella Mercedes G
1043. MENDOZA, Angelique M
1044. MENDOZA, Dionne Mae A
1045. MENDOZA, Frances Margarette A
1046. MENDOZA, Jeffrey G
1047. MENDOZA, Jona Christinelli C
1048. MENDOZA, Kristine M
1049. MENDOZA, JR., Manuel T
1050. MENESES, Kristine Grace P
1051. MERCADO, Jeffrey M
1052. MERCADO, Maria Emma Gille A
1053. MERCADO, Paul Joseph V
1054. MERCADO, Roxanne Joyce L
1055. MERIS, Madelaine Anne M
1056. MERIS, Mary Angela M
1057. MESINA, Karla Eunice T
1058. MEÑEZ, Emmanuel Joseph F
1059. MIGRIÑO, Dexter C
1060. MIGRIÑO, Erika Paola M
1061. MILA, Kathlynn B
1062. MILAN, Joel D
1063. MILITANTE, III, Jose Constantino C
1064. MINA, Madeline P
1065. MINA, Matthew Ryan R
1066. MIRAFLOR, Russel C
1067. MIRANDA, Rachel Angeli B
1068. MIRANDO, Margie B
1069. MOHAMMADALI, Sittie Aisah M
1070. MOHAMMADSALI, Al-azree J
1071. MOLETA, Karen H
1072. MOLINA, Dominico Vitto SE
1073. MONATO, III, Marceliano P
1074. MONTALVO, Henson M
1075. MONTAYRE, Maria Gabriela O
1076. MONTENEGRO, Ryan C
1077. MORADA, Marlon D
1078. MORALES, Monique B
1079. MORALES, Waren J
1080. MORDENO, Katrina G
1081. MORELOS, Michelle Ann L
1082. MORENO, Ericson R
1083. MORENO, Lucille Gaye A
1084. MORTEL, Ana Margarita A
1085. MOSQUERA, Florenz Ross S
1086. MOVIDO, Romeo Manuel Joshua R
1087. MUELA, Carl Rupert C
1088. MUIN, Alkhadri H
1089. MUPAS, Janelle C
1090. MURCIA, Carlo Paolo P
1091. MURILLO, Angelo L
1092. MURLA, JR., Wilfred A
1093. MUSNI, Megan Daphne D
1094. MUTI, Jorhany S
1095. MUTIA, Kristine Mae A
1097. MUYUELA, Fatima Mae A
1098. MUÑEZ, Ramon Alfonso T
1099. MUÑEZ, Stephen Don Q
1100. MUÑOZ, Lirio R
1101. NACU, Mary Grace M
1102. NAGA, Michael Demph D
1103. NAGASAN, Leo Kirby B
1104. NAGASE, Chieri B
1105. NAGTALON, Eryl Royce R
1106. NALZARO, Dalton Dave M
1107. NAPALA, Jessica E
1108. NARCA, Anacelle L
1109. NARDO, Gamaliel E
1110. NARTATES, Grace R
1111. NARVASA, Carlo Joaquin T
1112. NAS, Jessamine Jared S
1114. NAVAL-NAGA, Ma. Katrina M
1115. NAVARRA, Christine Mae P
1116. NAVARRETE, Anne Katherine P
1117. NAVARRO, Jimmy D
1118. NENGASCA, Sarah Jane A
1119. NERI, Jorgianna V
1120. NEYRA, Prince Arthur M
1121. NICOLASORA, Maria Joy Rosario S
1122. NITURA, Enrique F
1123. NITURA, Karla Izavella A
1124. NOMBRES, Josa Mary M
1125. NOSCAL, Geoffrey Angelo V
1126. NOVEDA, Kara Mae M
1127. NUÑEZA, Rosalie A
1128. OCBA, Dejeh O
1129. OCHOA, Randy C
1130. OCLARIT, Eunice Grace R
1131. ODOSIS, Derek J
1132. ODUCADO, Nathaniel M
1133. OFILAS, Cathleen Lezette S
1134. OGATIS, Nimrod V
1135. OLA, Jille Audrey F
1136. OLALIA, Mary Ann P
1137. OLID, Shiella P
1138. OLIQUINO, Lea M
1139. OLITA-CABARLES, Mary Lyka M
1140. OLONAN, Virson Tillich G
1141. OLVIS, Olive Corrine N
1142. OMELDA, Nizza U
1143. ONDANGAN, Jandel V
1144. ONG, Astrid Sheevette P
1145. ONG, Hanica Rachael Arshia J
1146. ONG, Mae Lane R
1147. ONG, Ruth Ann Q
1148. ONGCHUAN, Mary Felicci B
1149. OPAY, Jeff Mikol A
1150. OPERIANO, Lord F
1151. OPEÑA, Alexander F
1152. OPEÑA, Edda A
1153. OPLE, Felix Francis B
1154. OPLE, Mildred F
1155. ORALLO, Joana Marie C
1156. ORDANEZA, Mary Joy M
1157. ORDILLO, Sabra Rachel P
1158. ORIÑO, Ian Dominic M
1159. ORPILLA, Richelle H
1160. ORSUA, Reynold L
1161. ORTEZUELA, Daphne Angela L
1162. ORTIZ, Jaypee B
1163. ORTIZ LUIS, Nastasha Dominique G
1164. OSO, Dominic Paul C
1165. OSTIA-ALBURO, Rizzle May R
1166. OYOS, Gerlyn Fe G
1167. PABICO, Kristine D
1168. PABILANE, Frances L
1169. PABLICO, Rizajane B
1170. PABUSTAN, Sheena Marie P
1171. PACLIBAR, Jeena P
1172. PADILLA, Nastasia Anne C
1173. PADILLA, Ysabel Jean B
1174. PAGADUAN, Daryl C
1175. PAGARAN, Rhyan John C
1176. PAGAYANAN, Renz J
1177. PAGTOLON-AN, Rolando B
1178. PAGUIDOPON, Joanne M
1179. PAGURAYAN, Joana May C
1180. PAJE, Rosalie E
1181. PALAC, Fritzgerald Ace S
1182. PALACIO, Aldrin S
1183. PALACIO, Francis Bernard A
1184. PALAD, Eddie Bouy B
1185. PALATTAO, Rose Angeli T
1186. PALENCIA, Maycee D
1187. PALGAN, Arlene P
1188. PALILEO, JR., Fernando C
1189. PALINGPINGAN, Jordan P
1190. PALLADO, Danny L
1191. PALMA, Isabella Gianna P
1192. PALMERA, Roxannie S
1193. PALMONES, Eloisa C
1194. PAMA, III, Edilberto E
1195. PAMATIAN, Reggie Anne D
1196. PAMINIANO, Mary Cris N
1197. PAMINTER, Angela S
1198. PANAO, Rogelio Alicor L
1199. PANDI, Romdell L
1200. PANGAN, Kevin Averell A
1201. PANGANIBAN, Francis Immanuel DC
1202. PANGANIBAN, Muriel Ielaine B
1203. PANGUBAN, Katherine A
1204. PANOTES, Raymond A
1205. PARACAD, John Mark N
1206. PARAÑOS, Roddel R
1207. PAREL, Prince Ever C
1208. PARILLA, Janice M
1209. PARPAN, Camille Ross G
1210. PARTOSA-AGUILAR, Sheridyll M
1211. PARUNGAO, Edwardo D
1212. PASATIEMPO, Eunice Christine Anne T
1213. PASCASIO, Jarmae Z
1214. PASCASIO, Kristina Karen O
1215. PASCUA, Marvin P
1216. PASCUAL, Honey Vanessa S
1217. PASIA, Laurence L
1218. PASICOLAN, Alvin P
1219. PASTOR, Ann Marie Loren R
1220. PASTORAL, Ma. Lourdes Zendy D
1221. PATDU, Lovely Strawberry N
1222. PATIGDAS, Maria Girly V
1223. PATRIARCA, George Franz Nico F
1224. PAULIN, Ivy Steve M
1225. PAULINO, JR., Rolen C
1226. PAÑO, Maria Janina Rosario L
1228. PEDREGOSA, Ana Mae P
1229. PEKAS, Bryan G
1230. PEPITO, Althea Marie B
1231. PERALTA, Julien F
1232. PERALTA, Rhegine T
1233. PEREZ, Barbie Kaye B
1234. PEREZ, Bryan Alphonso E
1235. PEREZ, Gretchen M
1236. PEREZ, Marjorie B
1237. PEREZ DE TAGLE, Gaston Franco V
1238. PERUCHO, Jeralph G
1239. PESTAÑO, Glenn Allen O
1241. PEÑA, Francis Nico F
1242. PEÑALBER, Amirah L
1243. PIA, Madeleine Andrea T
1244. PIGAO, I, John Socrates G
1245. PILA, Garriz P
1246. PILAR, Gilbert H
1247. PINEDA, Glorie Anne
1248. PINEDA, Roger Arpee P
1249. PINILI, Francis David B
1250. PIO-MEDEZ, Josie L
1251. PITALCORIN, Feona Ivana D
1252. PIÑERA, Eleonor E
1253. PIÑERA, Rene Raffy T
1254. PLAZA, Athena C
1255. PLAZA, Lady Love Y
1256. PLAZA, Rafaelita L
1257. POCULAN, Goldie Love I
1258. POLESTICO, Anthony
1259. POLINGA, Julius S
1260. PONCE, Eumel E
1261. PONGAS, Mike Burton M
1262. POON, Jan Jordan L
1263. POTINGAN, Kate C
1264. POZON, Iris M
1265. PRANGA, Rytchum M
1266. PRUDENCIADO, JR., Reynaldo M
1267. PRUDENTE, Francesco Micael N
1268. PUGONG, Gertrude M
1269. PULIDO, Jerano Paulo B
1270. PULIDO-SADIAN, Mary Grace V
1271. PULMA, Rodel James R
1272. PUNO, Jasmine A
1273. PURACAN, Kristine Joy N
1274. PURINO, Mary Rose A
1275. PUSA, Rommel P
1276. PUSAY, Mary Agnes S
1277. PUTUNGAN, Maria Theresa Minda P
1278. QUERIDA, Rosalyn Mary L
1279. QUERUBIN, Jovy Anne V
1280. QUERUBIN, Reiner O
1281. QUIBIR-MAGBIRAY, Maria Ana Zenaida D
1282. QUIBOD, Kristine Mae M
1284. QUIMPO, Naomi Charmaine D
1285. QUINIVISTA, Kristine Mae B
1286. QUINSAYAS, Joseph P
1287. QUINTANA, Retzelyn Mae G
1288. QUINTOS, Hailin DG
1289. QUIROZ, Bernardine V
1290. QUITORIANO, Bernadette M
1291. QUIÑO, Robie P
1292. QUIÑONES, Nathalie B
1293. RABANG, Joahnna Guia E
1294. RAFANAN, Frodina Mafoxci J
1295. RAMACHO, Nathan Joseph P
1296. RAMIREZ, Angelito Emmanuel V
1297. RAMIREZ, Javierose M
1298. RAMOS, Fidel C
1299. RAMOS, Kathleen Teresa M
1300. RAMOS, Ronald A
1301. RAMOS, Ryan Jay R
1302. RAMOS, Theresa D
1303. RAMOS, JR., Conrado O
1304. RASUMAN, Anisa Hafiza L
1305. RAZON, Loubelle L
1306. REAL, Tara Angelique T
1307. REBALDO, Jude Isidro A
1308. RECALDE, JR., Alberto D
1309. RECAMARA, Julienne Marie C
1310. REFUERZO, Esther Katherine R
1311. REGACHO, Erness Faith J
1312. REGALARIO, Jaime Sandino C
1313. REGAÑON, Kenneth E
1314. REGIDOR, Romylyn O
1315. REGIS, Alain Bert G
1316. REGUA, Steve Russel P
1317. REGUCERA, Rexbelli B
1318. REMIGIO, Kristalyn Karen B
1319. REMINAJES-REYES, Jeri Jacqueline T
1320. REMOLACIO, Noel A
1321. REMOLAR, Joanna Kaye B
1322. REMOLLO, Jo Margarette W
1323. REPOSO, John Philipps M
1324. RESPICIO, Jeryll Harold P
1325. RETUYA, Lawrence L
1326. REVILLA, Dinna Lynn P
1328. REVILLOZA, Loyd Greg P
1329. REVOTE, Allan G
1330. REYES, Ana Victoria B
1331. REYES, Carmina C
1332. REYES, Danya T
1333. REYES, Ernest Anthony L
1334. REYES, Ezra Maica R
1335. REYES, Jonathan A
1336. REYES, Joseph Michael C
1337. REYES, Joshua James R
1338. REYES, Lorenzo Marvin S
1339. REYES, Mattheu Jericho A
1340. REYES, Mervin M
1341. REYES, Odessa H
1342. REYES, JR., Conrado DO
1343. REYES, JR., Narciso G
1344. REYES-PATAG, Lesley Anne Y
1345. RILLERA, Denmark M
1346. RILLON, Ruth Maureen C
1347. RIMAS, Melissa M
1349. RIVERA, Ferdinand E
1350. RIVERA, Katrina G
1351. RIVERA, Michelle C
1352. RIVERA, Paula Elise R
1353. ROBENIOL, Gabriel Antonio D
1354. ROBIÑO, Nile April P
1355. ROBLES, Basilito M
1356. ROBLES, Prince Rayner D
1357. ROCERO, George D
1358. ROCHA, IV, Ramon I
1359. ROCO, Jose-mari H
1360. RODRIGUEZ, Ella Racquel N
1361. ROJAS, Angelica T
1362. ROJAS, Chelissa Mae N
1363. ROJAS, Ralph Anderson A
1364. ROJAS-CALLAO, Annie C
1365. ROJO, Mark Anthony R
1366. ROMA, II, Alfonso L
1367. ROMANO, Edwin E
1368. ROMANO, Ryan Ceazar P
1369. ROMARATE, Geralyn T
1370. ROMERO, Angeli Patricia C
1371. ROMERO, Ralph Christian B
1372. ROMUAR, Ma. Cherie Bambi R
1373. ROMULO, Carlos Celestino F
1375. ROSALES, Giness Marie G
1376. ROSALES, Regina Patricia C
1377. ROSALES, Richard M
1378. ROSALES, Ronn Robby D
1379. ROSARIO, Earl Caezar N
1380. ROSAS, Reeld Holly D
1381. ROXAS, Rochelle Marie C
1382. ROXAS, Roxan O
1383. ROXAS TAN, Vincent S
1384. RUAYA, Ronald S
1385. RUBICA-SABORDO, Charade Circe C
1386. RUBIO, Darwin Perry B
1387. RUBIO-AGUINALDO, Mishelle Anne R
1388. RUGA, Hana Chrisna C
1389. RUIZ, Ma. Buena Magdalena R
1390. RUTOR, Lyndon W
1391. RUYERAS, William Angelo B
1392. SABA, Kayzer Aldrin Z
1393. SABALO, Brian B
1394. SABELLANO, Kenny C
1395. SABELO, Marte M
1396. SABILALA, Dan Bernard S
1397. SACLOT, Jeffrey C
1398. SACOTE, Lilaben A
1399. SACRAMENTO, Patrick D
1400. SACRO, Marielle Kriza T
1401. SADAIN, Jameela S
1402. SADICON, Marianne Faith B
1403. SADONGDONG, Jerome B
1404. SAGPAEY, Jenny A
1405. SAGUIN, JR., Rogelio H
1406. SAGUINSIN, Loraine D
1407. SAGUN, Ruelan L
1408. SALAMATIN, April Michelle D
1409. SALANGA, Rowena Angela C
1410. SALANGUIT, Marian B
1411. SALANGUIT, Maritoni B
1412. SALAPANG, Annie Sheila C
1413. SALAS, Athena M
1414. SALAS, Pearl Joy M
1415. SALAS, JR., Alexander G
1416. SALAYOG, Kyra Vernice G
1417. SALCEDO, Michelle B
1418. SALDON, Christ Shaney C
1419. SALIG, Hyacinth Marie T
1420. SALINAS, Alicia P
1421. SALINDO, Elvin S
1422. SALIOT, Riona Vince S
1423. SALISE, Mary Christine Anthonette M
1424. SALIZON, Benedic G
1425. SALLY, Ferdinand T
1426. SALON, Ephraim D
1427. SALUNAT, Early Joy L
1428. SAMEDRA, Arvy Chris D
1429. SAN AGUSTIN, Geoff Lyn D
1430. SAN JOSE, Riza Kristina E
1431. SAN PEDRO, Jose Maria Ceasar C
1432. SANCHEZ, Alfie Sonia Q
1433. SANCHEZ, Carlo Gabriel P
1434. SANCHEZ, Marie Alexis Denise S
1435. SANCHEZ, Ralph J
1436. SANCHO, Alona Margaret B
1437. SANDIGAN, Ronald Ryan A
1438. SANDOVAL, Anna Kristina B
1439. SANIEL, Jose Ruel A
1440. SANTAMINA, Angelie B
1441. SANTIAGO, Joanna Elvira L
1442. SANTIAGO, Katrina Gynne F
1443. SANTIAGO, Miguel Antonio P
1444. SANTILLAN, Phoebe Samantha A
1445. SANTOS, Aaron Bailey G
1446. SANTOS, Al Marvin W
1447. SANTOS, Christian Lloyd S
1448. SANTOS, Hyacinth B
1449. SANTOS, Jim Joel N
1450. SANTOS, John Terry H
1451. SANTOS, Jose Antonio Rafael G
1452. SANTOS, Jose Manuel S
1453. SANTOS, Karen Anne G
1454. SANTOS, Louie L
1455. SANTOS, Louie Ernest B
1456. SANTOS, Marc Mikhaele J
1457. SANTOS, Maria Irene I
1458. SANTOS, Maricar Jan M
1459. SANTOS, Mario D
1460. SANTOS, Roselee B
1461. SANTOS, Ryan G
1462. SANTOS, III, Lamberto L
1463. SAPORNE, Maria Cecilia T
1464. SARANDI, Abigail Moffait P
1465. SARITA, Cecille Angela T
1466. SARMIENTO, Maria Kristel B
1467. SASPA, Dianah Jee U
1468. SAYO, Patricia Anne S
1469. SAYSON, James Allan C
1470. SEBASTIAN, Bobby Johnson O
1471. SEGOVIA, Maria Cielito B
1472. SEGUBRE, Paolo M
1473. SEGUI, Adrian Donald L
1474. SEGUNDO, Karissa Inez A
1475. SEIT, Jade Q
1476. SEMILLANO, Mipps Mardie
1477. SENAJON, Cristyl Mae B
1478. SENTILLAS, Kenneth Roy E
1479. SENUPE, Ma. Juanna Ester D
1480. SERASPI, Chinky Dane C
1481. SERRANO, Erika Sheena C
1482. SERRANO, Lennard Constantine C
1483. SERZO, Aiken Larisa O
1484. SESE, Rens Gener P
1485. SEVA, Jose Pio J
1486. SEVILLA, Prince Junel G
1487. SEVILLA, Toni Lou S
1488. SIA, Rowneylin SJ
1489. SIAZON, Leigh Nicole TC
1490. SICCUAN, Don Mikhail A
1491. SILANG, Valery Ann P
1492. SILAO, Coravirna D
1493. SILONGAN, JR., Ibrahim K
1494. SILVA, Angelo Joseph C
1495. SILVA, Merlo Vinia C
1496. SILVA, Nikko Emmanuel D
1497. SIMON, Simon L
1498. SINCO, Noel Y
1499. SING, Anthony L
1500. SINGCOL, Anna Katrina T
1501. SINGZON, Anthony U
1502. SINOCRUZ, Fay Kristina P
1503. SINSONA, JR., Norberto J
1504. SIRON, Rafaela P
1505. SISON, Charm D
1506. SISON, John Michael O
1507. SISON, Kimberly Rae A
1508. SOL, JR., Rodolfo A
1509. SOLIMAN, Rhea-ann J
1510. SOLINAP, John Leo D
1511. SOLLANO, Ma. Mikhaella Rosario Z
1512. SOLLESTRE, Sheryl M
1513. SOMES, Erwin A
1514. SORIANO, Cassioppea Jerose V
1515. SORIAO, Howell Ivan Ritche B
1516. SOTTO, Darwin C
1517. SQUILLANTINI, Claudia Gabriella R
1518. STA. CRUZ, Juan Antonio D
1519. STA. MARIA, Patricia Anne D
1520. STO. TOMAS, Jefferson H
1522. SUBA, Nasrifa S
1523. SUGGUIYAO, Amirozelle Katya G
1524. SULIT, Juzzelyx B
1525. SUMAYOD, JR., Alejandro S
1526. SUMBILLA, JR., Vedasto B
1527. SUMERGIDO, Katty Khee G
1528. SUMINGUIT, Ramel C
1529. SUMOGBA, JR., Enrique T
1530. SUN, Jason Oliver C
1531. SUPATAN, Lorena M
1532. SUPE, Mary Hariette B
1533. SUPERABLE, Nonalyn S
1534. SUPNET, Winly Joy L
1535. SURUIZ, Jonar M
1536. SUSVILLA, Ivy B
1537. SY, Jacklyn Kim L
1538. SY, John Habib J
1539. SY, Kenneth Elvin C
1540. SYDIONGCO, Jacqueline Carlotta B
1541. SYSON, Patricia Leticia R
1542. SZE, Maria Lourdes G
1543. TABBU, Ruby Joyce S
1544. TABILISMA, Marlon P
1545. TABOADA, Giovanne C
1546. TADE, Chelsea Raye N
1547. TADLAS, Jed Libby B
1548. TAGANAS, Iris Pauline G
1549. TAGUINOD-MAGGAY, Tshaine B
1551. TALAN, Glady Mae S
1552. TALAO, Vincent Paul R
1553. TALDE, Jay-b L
1554. TALINGTING, Avril Reina O
1555. TAM, Leoni Mae Rubi L
1556. TAMAYO, Karen Rose C
1557. TAMAYO, Vixid Role T
1558. TAMBAOAN, Joan Carmel S
1559. TAMBOR, Jennidy S
1560. TAMPIS, Doris Moriel B
1561. TAMPUS, Shane May B
1562. TAN, Deo Virgil R
1563. TAN, Jeffrey Rod Y
1564. TAN, Jose Lorenzo C
1565. TAN, Mahrra Anna P
1566. TAN, Nico Bryan P
1567. TAN, Suzette H
1568. TAN-ESTANDARTE, Marene Rose F
1569. TANDOC, Mark Haddison P
1570. TANTUAN, Edhona C
1571. TAPIA, JR., Judito H
1572. TAQUIO, Maria Cristina B
1573. TARIGA, Marc Eico C
1574. TARUC, Rhyzzi Celine S
1575. TATCO, Kevin Christopher C
1576. TAWARAN, Jennifer M
1577. TAYLO, III, Jose Herminio D
1578. TE, Jill Angeline R
1579. TECSON, Katherine Michel V
1580. TEJADA, Dan Tristan T
1581. TEMBLOR, Vilmalen M
1582. TENGCO, Sheenalyn R
1583. TEODORO, Pascual Agusto Carlo P
1584. TEOPE, JR., Mario R
1585. TEVES, Maria Althea M
1586. TICZON, Maria Kristelle A
1587. TIGSON, John Benedict T
1588. TILOS, Fenna Marie A
1589. TIMBOL, Rodney C
1590. TINAGAN, Ingrid T
1591. TIU, Jericho R
1592. TIU, Sean Carlo C
1593. TOCAO, Zehan Loren E
1594. TOLEDO, Eleonor U
1595. TOLENTINO, Julie Ann B
1596. TOLENTINO, Lyka Leigh M
1597. TOLENTINO, Rose Ann O
1598. TOLENTINO, Sonby Adam A
1599. TOMBOC, Paul Angelo F
1600. TONGSON, Tristan Jason R
1601. TONOG, Franco Archie N
1602. TOPACIO, Alexandria J
1603. TORALBA, Marty Franz F
1604. TORNO, Jesa Kristi R
1605. TORRALBA, Connie Beb A
1606. TORRE, John Lerrie I
1607. TORRES, Aljeane F
1608. TORRES, Lameriza M
1609. TORRIZO, JR., Romeo S
1610. TOVERA, Marilyn Sharina R
1611. TRAYA, Rex Julius A
1612. TRIA, Dani Lynne P
1613. TRIESTE, JR., Gerome M
1614. TRINIDAD, Peter Neil E
1615. TRINIDAD, Ysabel Fatima N
1616. TRINIDAD, JR., Mario P
1617. TRONQUED, Marlon Iñigo T
1618. TUAZON, Diana Jean M
1619. TUAZON, Jolina Pauline T
1620. TUAZON, Lara Karina S
1621. TUBIERA, Hana Marita H
1622. TUGUIC, Joshua B
1623. TUMALIUAN, Bong Richard M
1624. TUMAMAO, Ramse A
1627. TUMARU, Bernard Joseph V
1628. TUMARU, Karla Mae V
1630. TUÑACAO, Tiffany L
1631. UBOD, Camille Therese L
1632. UGSAD, Francis Bon C
1633. UMALI, Francis Rainier B
1634. URBANOZO, Laird Dionel N
1635. URBINA, Jamila R
1636. URSAL, Ernesto (junjun) L
1637. UY, Josie Antonette M
1638. UY, Martin Juris V
1639. UY, Michael Vincent M
1640. UY, Nathaniel Andrew Y
1641. UY, Paul Angelo R
1642. UY, Philip Michael C
1643. UY, Rona Gail V
1644. UY, Sittie Fahanie S
1645. VALDEZ, Alexis Janet J
1646. VALDEZ, Katrina Grace A
1647. VALE, Dianne C
1648. VALENCIA, Celine Blesilda A
1649. VALENCIA, Charlon Reinier O
1650. VALENZUELA, Cherrie Rose C
1651. VALENZUELA, Chery Sheil T
1652. VALERIANO, Victor Napoleon D
1653. VALLECER-PATCHO, Vanessa Marie C
1654. VALLINAS, Lorraine Jean V
1655. VALMONTE, Leorae D
1656. VARIAS, Varbra Ann A
1657. VARON, Roy M
1658. VASQUEZ, Jimmy E
1659. VEJANO, Marcus Julius D
1660. VELARDE, Jessa Ela L
1661. VELASCO, Andrew O
1662. VELASCO, Gerald M
1663. VELASCO, Paul Dominic R
1664. VELASCO, Ric John F
1665. VELASCO, Richard Andrew P
1666. VELASCO, Venus C
1667. VELASQUEZ, Jed Erickson M
1668. VELO, JR., Rosendo S
1669. VERANA, Ileen Mae V
1670. VERONILLA, Leni Fae P
1671. VERZOSA, Francisco Miguel T
1672. VERZOSA, Patricia Ester R
1673. VEVA, Ryan C
1674. VICENCIO, Jared Cecillo C
1675. VIDAURRETA, Irene D
1676. VIERNES, Cherry Anne D
1677. VILCHES, Gian Frances Nicole C
1678. VILIRAN, Christian DC
1679. VILLACORTE, Ginnie T
1680. VILLAFUERTE, Abygail June R
1681. VILLALUZ, Almera J
1682. VILLALVA, Maria Andrea C
1683. VILLAMAR, Lawrence P
1684. VILLAMOR, Anthony V
1685. VILLANUEVA, Franz Marie L
1686. VILLANUEVA, Joeyfer S
1687. VILLANUEVA, Matt Jayson S
1688. VILLANUEVA, Victor Lorenzo L
1689. VILLANUEVA-ARABIS, Maria Cristina A
1690. VILLAPANDO, Simon Peter D
1691. VILLARIN, Donnie Wayne M
1692. VILLAROJO, Sunny Ray
1693. VILLAROMAN, Gerald Tristan D
1694. VILLARUBIA, Grethel V
1695. VILLARUEL, Rita Odessa A
1696. VILLASANTA, Rosarie Raysalyn Z
1697. VILLATUYA, Luigi Miguel P
1698. VILLEGAS, Levie C
1699. VILLEGAS, Mara Angeli T
1700. VILLEGAS, Mary Louise S
1701. VILLENA, John Mark C
1702. VILLEZA, Lorraine B
1703. VILLORDON, Barwin Scott P
1704. VILLORDON, Vinci B
1705. VINARAO, Jonathan C
1706. VIOLA, Hannah May R
1707. VISCA-MARTINO, Khemle Jane T
1708. VITO, Ma. Fionna B
1709. WATANABE, Yoko Carolyn C
1710. WENCESLAO, Ma. Paula Michelle M
1711. YAMBAO, Juan Miguel G
1712. YANG, Avon Merick J
1713. YANTO, Jennifer Kristine B
1714. YAO, Aislyn Janelle L
1715. YARANON, Andrea Nikka A
1716. YBAS, Randilou S
1717. YEE, Jedd Aldrich C
1718. YEE, Ruddy Allen N
1719. YOUNG, Wesley Jefferson C
1720. YU, Nyera Hyssene O
1721. YU, Ralph Martin C
1722. YUCHONGTIAN, Annelli Jade S
1723. YULO, Judy Anne Y
1724. YUMUL, Maria Carmela C
1725. ZABALA, Raymond Rainier L
1726. ZAMBO, Bryan Anthony P
1727. ZAMORA-REY, Maria Fatima I
1728. ZAPATA, Don Jan C
1729. ZARAGOZA, Israel Jacob R
1730. ZORILLA, Ritchelle R
1731. ZULUETA-PLAMERAS, Jasmin Angeli Grace R
1. ABAD, Leslie Glenne C
2. ABAD, Rachel Ann Katrina P
3. ABEL, Jhoanna Marie M
4. ABELARDO, Mark Joseph B
5. ABELLA, Sonny Xavier S
6. ABELLANA, Lutche V
7. ABELLON, Mary May A
8. ABIAD, Shirley Ann N
9. ABIERA, Jose Sandino B
10. ABIERA, Rose Anne L
11. ABIOG, Ro Megan Lea B
12. ABOLAIS, Nurhainie S
13. ABREGANA, Dhetty Joy B
14. ABRIL, Donn Ed Martin A
15. ABRUGENA, Ma. Ann Klaudine C
16. ABSIN, Patrick Bryan E
17. ABU, Arik Aaron C
18. ABUBAKAR, III, Ismael G
19. ACASIO, Michael T
20. ACAYLAR, Cattleya B
21. ACEBEDO, Rafael Antonio M
22. ACEDILLA, Salvador V
23. ACORDA, Rosechelan Charity G
24. ACOSTA, Julius Patrick C
25. ADALEM, Jay Paolo C
26. ADAMI, Cherryl S
27. ADAO, Mica Maurinne M
28. ADIA, Iris Jazelle P
30. ADRALES, Judessa Mae D
31. AG-AGWA, Rassel Leah A
32. AGA, Greg Mari M
33. AGADER, Charisse Ann C
34. AGADIER, Ickey Rod T
35. AGANAP, Elizabeth Anne Y
36. AGAS, III, Felicisimo F
37. AGATEP, Christopher Lauren R
38. AGBAYANI, Juan Paolo C
39. AGDAMAG, Joseph Giancarlo C
40. AGOOT, Ryan D
41. AGOR, Ariel L
42. AGSAULIO, Janette I
43. AGUHOB, Rachiene C
44. AGUILAR, Jayson C
45. AGUILERA, Kim Angerie B
46. AGUS, Yehlen C
47. AGUSTIN, Rona Rikka Angel G
48. AIDA, Akemi B
50. ALAGBAN, Aiken G
51. ALARILLA, Francesca Camille L
52. ALBA, Jhony Martin J
53. ALBA, Jonathan S
54. ALBOR, Raphaela G
55. ALCANTARA, Kriseth M
56. ALCANTARA, Raymond P
58. ALDUESO, Hyacinth B
59. ALEJO, Jeffry A
60. ALENTON, III, Gregrio R
61. ALFONSO, Maria Josefina R
62. ALICANDO, Krister Shaun Prinz M
63. ALIGORA, Cecille S
64. ALIM, Mohammad Fyzee P
65. ALIMODIAN, Cherryl B
66. ALIVIO, Hanes Louise M
67. ALIX, Keeshia Alyanna H
68. ALIÑO, Jacqueline Leoncia M
69. ALLAS, Aira Kristina M
70. ALLAS, Lyra Cecille V
71. ALMADRO, Mary Katherine C
72. ALMARIO, Carlo Inocencio F
74. ALOJADO, James Patrick O
75. ALON, Veronica O
76. ALONZO, Fernando B
78. ALVAREZ, Ma. Jessa M
79. ALYASA, Nadjera A
80. AMADOR, Ronald S
81. AMANTILLO, Anne Marie Joy B
82. AMEDA, Kenjie C
83. AMON, Paul Elbert E
84. AMOROSO, Love G
85. AMPONG, Alpha Grace P
86. AMWAO, Glory Pearl D
87. ANASTACIO, Dave Oliver P
88. ANDERSON, Mandy Therese M
89. ANDRES, Robert Joseph M
90. ANG, Jenica S
91. ANG, Marilen R
92. ANGUB, Tani M
93. ANSALAN, Ma. Pamela Aloha C
94. ANTONIO, Mona Liza D
95. ANTONIO, Robinson G
97. ANUNCIO, Rosalyn Ruth S
98. ANZO, JR., Nilo M
99. ANZURES, Jacquelyn Ann Marie G
100. APAD, Rachell C
101. APIGO, Reshel Amor D
102. APODERADO, JR., Ernesto A
103. APOLONIO, Julie Belle A
104. APOSTOL, Danielle D
105. AQUINO, Alexis Ann V
106. AQUINO, Andrei Laurence V
107. AQUINO, Gil Anthony E
108. AQUINO, Shiena Angela DR
109. ARAFAG, Karen B
110. ARANAS, Agnes B
111. ARANETA, Alfrederick C
112. ARBOLADO, Jan Michael V
113. ARBOLADURA, Mary Grace S
114. ARCEGA, Baby Perian R
115. ARCEO, Reginald M
116. ARCILLAS, Rosela N
117. AREJOLA, Ralph Raymond P
118. AREJOLA, JR., Romeo P
119. ARELLANO, Loriejay D
120. ARELLANO, Raysun R
121. ARIETE, Richard A
122. ARIÑAS, JR., Marianito B
123. ARNADO, Sedfrey Jay M
124. ARQUILLO, Buena G
125. ARRIESGADO, Ranier O
126. ARROYO, Laarni Gay C
127. ARTAIZ, Luis Alfonso E
128. ARUGAY, Glory Grace J
129. ASAMA, Jennifer T
130. ASCAÑO, Bon Gerard D
131. ASISTIDO, Andrei T
132. ASLOR, Gilbert P
133. ASORIO, Shiela Mae S
134. ASPILAN, William, Jr. P
135. ASUNCION, Mark Anthony A
136. ASUNCION, Ria Vanessa DS
137. ASUNCION, JR., Dionicio R
138. ATIBAGOS, II, Jose A
139. ATIENZA, Elaine A
140. ATILLO, Maria Olivia Ana R
141. ATRILLANO, Ervin Shaun S
142. AUSTRIA, Jessa F
143. AVELLANO, Jenny Rose G
144. AWATIN, Meliza Ann R
145. AYAP, Manuel C
146. AZARCON, Jerome T
147. AZIS, Jauhari C
148. AZURIN, Paula Beatriz L
149. BABATE, Gerard D
150. BABOR, Mark Christopher A
151. BACANI, Bianca Mae Y
152. BACANI, Luigi A
153. BACULI, Adolf Kissenger P
154. BACULO, Tyron Kim D
155. BADILLO, JR., IV, Avelino C
156. BADUA, Kristine F
157. BADUA, Ma. Jhunelle A
158. BAER, Rizsa Rose S
159. BAGALACSA, Omar V
160. BAGGAY, Joefer B
161. BAGUL, Sharmila R
162. BAKER, Kathlyn A
163. BALABA, Jean Charity C
164. BALADBAD, Mayer B
165. BALAGOT, Jessie C
166. BALAGTAS, Carl Edison M
167. BALAGTAS, Nest Deo L
168. BALAHADIA, Arrabelle Anne Carlene E
169. BALAIS, Ryan E
170. BALARES, Her Lynn F
171. BALAUAG, Kim L
172. BALBERAN, Germarie I
173. BALBOA, Donna Ann T
174. BALBON, Cretchen B
175. BALBUENA, Julius Ceasar M
176. BALDONADO, Kathy Florence M
177. BALDONADO, Nelson Kevin G
178. BALDUEZA, Ma. Luz Concepcion M
179. BALINGIT, Ana Ria G
180. BALINGIT, Jessica Marie S
181. BALITE, Paul Heherson M
182. BALJON, Al Whilan A
183. BALLEDO, Brando T
184. BALLESTA, Ma. Norma S
185. BALLESTEROS, Chelsea Joyce C
186. BALMEDIANO, JR., Jimmy N
187. BALTAZAR, Kimberly C
188. BALUGO, Percival M
189. BALUYUT, Maria Corazon O
190. BANAKEN, Jula A
191. BANASEN, JR., Robert V
192. BANATAO, April Rose Y
193. BANGANAN, Kristen Gay M
194. BANIQUED, Astrid Arielle I
195. BANIQUED, Janet D
196. BANTIGUE, Mark Aldrin Josel D
197. BANTUG, Maria Teresa Margarita Beatriz D
198. BANZON, Kris Marian D
199. BARATETA, Franco David B
200. BARCENA, Hanna H
201. BARCENA, Mike Joseph V
202. BARCENAS, Karl Rainier R
203. BARILLO, Frederick R
204. BARO, Gerald Dick B
205. BARONA, Hera Aiza Marie A
206. BARRAMEDA, Jener B
207. BARREDA, Marie Ronette Salve E
208. BARREDO, Edward B
209. BARRETTO, Eloisa R
210. BARRETTO, Miguel Angelo T
211. BARRIDO, Noliver F
212. BARRON, Anna Lea A
213. BARROZO, Shiela Joanne T
214. BARSAGA, Delbert John Z
215. BAS, Marc Arthur I
216. BASA, Heaven Leigh P
217. BASAN, Emelita C
218. BASCARA, Liselle Angela I
219. BASCO, Lisa C
220. BASUNGIT, Antonio, Jr. L
221. BATAC, Catherine L
222. BATICADOS, Paul Ivan R
223. BATONGHINOG, JR., Minrado DG
224. BATULA, Vanessa D
225. BAUTISTA, Bjorn Jorrell A
226. BAUTISTA, Cecille Catherine A
227. BAUTISTA, Justa Aurea G
228. BAUTISTA, Khersien Y
229. BAUTISTA, Marian Wilma H
230. BAUTISTA, Rodmel L
231. BAUTISTA, Sherlyn Lourdes T
232. BAUTISTA, Sid Angelo M
233. BAY-AN, Jayran Lowen D
234. BAYA, Hanie Lou A
235. BAYALAS, Brendale S
236. BAYON, Paula Bianca C
237. BAÑEZ, Laarni E
238. BEBELONE, Diana Mae R
239. BEBLANIAS-PILI, Retchie B
240. BECINA, Garret Neil A
241. BEDRIO, Julie Ann A
242. BEJER, Jomarie Christie G
243. BELARMINO, II, Jose Amelito S
244. BELDEROL, John Alexander S
245. BELDUA, Kenneth Vincent P
246. BELEN-GARRO, Liddy Jane C
247. BELLEN, Erwin B
248. BELLINGAN, Gracelyn E
249. BELTRAN, Rochezka Bianca R
250. BENITEZ, Paolo M
251. BERGANTIN, Kenneth Yves C
252. BERMAS, Joanalen G
253. BERMUDEZ, Dominic O
254. BERMUDO, Johanna Marie B
255. BERNARDO, John Michael A
256. BERNARDO, Paolo Miguel Q
257. BEROS, Madelyn C
258. BEÑAS, Frediswenda B
259. BIAG, Luigi L
260. BIALA, Dan Paul C
261. BIAS, Marcos E
262. BIAY, Kristian A
263. BIDES, Reden B
264. BIGAY, Daryl Jacob F
265. BINALLA, Jeremy Kay D
266. BISCAYDA, Kristel Joy P
267. BISNAR, Ryan Ric B
268. BITON, Johnbee R
269. BLANCO, Paul Danico C
270. BOAGING, Anthonette A
271. BODIONGAN, Glein Mark L
272. BOHOL, Dennis S
273. BOLA, Lorelei P
274. BOLANTE, Jose Roberto D
275. BONAOBRA, Ma. Evanor B
276. BONAVENTE, Arianne Q
277. BONGALON, Hendrix C
278. BONIFACIO, JR., Romeo E
279. BONTO, Renato R
280. BONTUYAN, Alvin G
281. BORBE, Magdalena A
282. BORILE, Ronald S
283. BORINAGA, Joey M
284. BORLASA, Renato B
285. BORRES, Abegail Mari F
286. BOÑAGA, Juliet V
287. BRAGADO, Cassandra I
288. BRIEVA, Rickee Gerald D
289. BRIONES, Keith Francis R
290. BRIONES, Lorenzo Jared J
291. BRISTOL, Murli Manohar Das E
292. BUAN, Noelle Jenina Francesca E
293. BUAN, Princess L
294. BUCA, Julie Merriam L
295. BUCCAT, JR., Honorio G
296. BUELA, Krisha Marie T
300. BUENO, Karen Ann S
301. BUESER, Jan-michael C
302. BUGAYONG, Monica G
303. BULAC, Katherine Grace C
304. BUNA CRUZ, Greta M
305. BUSAL, Hail O
306. BUSTAMANTE, Darniel R
307. BUSTONERA, Maria Carmela D
308. BUSWAY, Julius A
309. BUTED, Mabel L
310. CABADING, Maria Corazon V
311. CABALLERO, Cliford C
312. CABALLERO, Krisna Samantha T
313. CABALZA-NAPOLES, Maria Annely I
314. CABANLAS, Melanie Mae C
315. CABARRUBIAS, Donna Marie P
316. CABATU, Ricky Boy V
317. CABBUAG, Karla A
318. CABERGAS, Mary Anne S
319. CABILE, Kiarra Nastazsa Adrienne A
320. CABILI, Karl T
321. CABRAL, David Rence R
322. CABRALES, Diana May V
323. CABUNOC, Pearl Joan M
324. CAC, Corina P
325. CADAG, Maria Donnabelle M
326. CADIATAN, Jonah Liz A
327. CADIZ, Jethro Jed S
328. CADWISING, Rachanne C
329. CAGUIOA, Leon Maria Angel P
330. CAGURANGAN, JR., Tranquilino R
331. CAHILOG, Kent Joel T
332. CAINDAY, Jennebeth Kae B
333. CALALO, Mara Erna Azalea F
334. CALDINO, Hannah V
335. CALITIS, Niño Jandy P
336. CALIZO, Ruby Ann D
337. CALLUENG, Rene A
338. CALMARES, Ian J
339. CALO, Ma. Lorena L
340. CALUGAS, Ronelo C
341. CAMACHO, Christopher Renier C
342. CAMAT, Rocel Ann Dolores M
343. CAMBRI, Romar B
344. CAMINADE, Richard Rey T
345. CAMINO, Marie Louise N
346. CAMIÑA, Gerard Martin S
347. CAMPILLA, Adrian B
348. CAMPOS, Martin Rosendo L
349. CANCIO, James Francis M
350. CANDAO, Fahd A
351. CANONCE, Katrina B
352. CAPILI, Amorie Carla B
353. CAPINPIN, Jaymie D
354. CAPOCYAN, Genesis D
355. CAPON, Donn Serpico C
356. CAPUCHINO, II, Hermenegildo C
357. CAPUNO, Raegan L
358. CAPUYAN, Kevin Kaizer Dave K
359. CARAIG, Jane Donna C
360. CARANDANG, Airene P
361. CARANDANG, Nina Herschelica L
362. CARBONELL, Zhanika Marie O
363. CARDINES, Alvin P
364. CARIAGA, JR., Constancio P
365. CARILLO, Palma Clarissa V
366. CARINGAL, Kristia Lorraine V
367. CARIÑO, Charlotte M
368. CARIÑO, Marianne M
369. CARPENTERO, William G
370. CARRILLO, JR., Crisanto C
371. CARROLLO, JR., Clemente L
372. CARUÑGAY, Joy Samantha G
373. CASABAR, Ryan Armand L
374. CASADOR, Althea Mae P
375. CASIAO, Nanet S
376. CASIHAN, Ma. Isabelita R
377. CASIMPAN, Cybele Arianne Lee J
378. CASTILLO, Leah Francesca M
379. CASTILLO, Sherryl Joy N
380. CASTILLONES, Pacifico Ismael M
381. CASTRO, Jennifer Marie G
382. CATACUTAN, Darlene J
383. CATALUÑA, Lesly Ann J
384. CATANI, Ritchel S
385. CATAPANG, Kaye Danica H
386. CATARMAN, Piña Luz P
387. CATIPON, Ivy O
388. CAÑADA, Kaitlin Mary Cor L
389. CEMINE, Vivienne Jonnah R
390. CENGCA, Ma. Kristine Gay M
391. CEPIDA, Ericson T
392. CERO, Iris Fatima V
393. CEZAR, Karen Bianca Angeli S
394. CEZAR, Mark Jacinto D
395. CEÑIDOZA, Kriszanne Cerrise P
396. CHAN, Christian Philip B
397. CHAN, Hannah Isabella P
398. CHAN, Hobart H
399. CHAN, Jan Franz Norbert Joselito A
400. CHAN, Luigine Christi C
401. CHATTO, Ruby Jean G
402. CHAVEZ, Abigael R
403. CHAVEZ, Charlemagne Rae P
404. CHAVEZ, Cheysson A
405. CHAVEZ, Jino Karlo M
406. CHAVEZ, Marian Camille E
407. CHING, Maria Adela C
408. CHIONG, Darwin V
409. CHUA, Angelica A
410. CHUA, Gladys Kaye L
411. CHUA, James Michael T
412. CHUA, Jantzen Joe C
413. CHUA, Jeremy Ryan C
414. CHUA, Kara Mae Aurora R
415. CIMATU, Maria Faiva S
416. CIRUELOS, Mary Grace B
417. CIRUNAY, Sonny Paul R
418. CLAREZA, Kathleen May O
419. CLEOFAS, Benz G
420. CO, Anna Margarita K
421. CO, Jessica Anne G
422. CO, Jon Eric G
423. COBANKIAT, Camille N
424. COBARRUBIAS, Maria Graciela C
425. COKALIONG, Chesna Y
426. COLIS, Roselette Ann A
427. COLLADO, JR., Manolyn A
428. COLLE, Kristine Keith N
429. COMACASAR, Farhanisah D
430. COMAGUL, Aliah M
431. COMENDADOR, Jona Mae C
432. COMIA, Antonette T
433. COMIA, Trixy L
434. CONALES, Zulikha Marie S
435. CONCEPCION, Alain Kris C
436. CONCEPCION, Halie C
437. CONCEPCION, Warren B
438. CONCORDIA, Carlo Miguel SP
439. CONEJOS, Rafael Lorenzo G
440. CONSIGNADO, Mailyn P
441. CONTRERAS, Florence N
442. CORALES, Francis Paul T
443. CORDOVA, William B
444. CORRALES, Marlon M
445. CORREA, Ma. Criselda B
446. CORRIGE, Rency Y
447. COSICO, Michiko V
448. CRON, Clarizza D
449. CRUZ, Christine Bernadette U
450. CRUZ, Giancarlo A
451. CRUZ, Novy Marie S
452. CRUZ, Rheena Lyn L
453. CRUZ, Roxanne Marie Q
454. CRUZ, Tzeitel Christine DG
455. CRUZ, Xinia Carmela B
456. CRUZ, JR., Romeo B
457. CUA, Michael Pio V
458. CUANAN, Arjay Louie Eu B
459. CUDIA, Jane Victoria A
460. CUERDO, Winnie Anne S
461. CUEVAS, Julius N
462. CUEVAS, Leslie Joy L
463. CUISON, Melvin John Q
464. CUNANAN, Marco Polo E
465. CUPIN, Rosemarie Louise C
466. DABALOS, Kristina P
467. DACANAY, Ma. Cecilia Y
468. DACAY, Ernie Jerome Q
469. DAGBAY, Stacykitz J
470. DAING, Paul Patrick D
471. DALANAO, Gretchen Joy G
472. DANAO, Vic Darryl A
473. DANTES, Edmond V
474. DAPAING, Emman Rey F
475. DATU, Sabrina C
477. DAVID, Dennice Erica L
478. DAVID, Mike Gerald C
479. DAYAG, Richard G
480. DAYTO, Mary Grace S
481. DE ALBAN, Marlon Joseph M
482. DE BORJA, Esperanza Angela A
483. DE CASTRO, April P
484. DE CASTRO, Ian Julius S
485. DE CHAVEZ, Karren Mae C
486. DE DIOS, Kennex P
487. DE GUZMAN, Christopher Tom C
488. DE GUZMAN, Daisy Joy R
489. DE GUZMAN, Errica Marie N
490. DE GUZMAN, Jarren Neil D
491. DE GUZMAN, Kathleen Kay A
492. DE GUZMAN, Maria Corazon Y
493. DE GUZMAN, Sabrina Louise M
494. DE GUZMAN, Sheila O
495. DE JESUS, Charisma Michelle L
496. DE JESUS, Ramil F
497. DE LA CRUZ, Fatima Nica Q
498. DE LA CRUZ, Rhodalyn P
499. DE LA FUENTE, Dyan Angela A
500. DE LA PAZ, Anna Cristina B
501. DE LA SERNA, Christian Borg J
502. DE LEON, Diwata DR
503. DE LEON, Jenny Marie T
504. DE LOS SANTOS, Luciliza L
505. DE LOS SANTOS, Marifel B
506. DE LOS SANTOS, Robnette Mae C
507. DE LUMEN, Ramonchito L
508. DE MATIAS, Evelyn B
509. DE MESA, Jean Phebie G
510. DE VEYRA, Vanessa Gaye A
511. DE VILLA, Cipriana D
512. DEHAYCO, Don A
513. DEL CASTILLO, David I
514. DEL ROSARIO, Aaron John D
515. DEL ROSARIO, Elijah B
516. DEL ROSARIO, JR., Rodolfo B
517. DELA CRUZ, Flordeliza A
518. DELA CRUZ, Karen F
519. DELA CRUZ, Kevin Albert T
520. DELA CRUZ, Ma. Gesileth C
522. DELA MERCED, Blenda Czarinne R
523. DELA MERCED, Nicu L
524. DELAMBACA, Francis Erick D
525. DELDIO, Manuel F
526. DELGADO, Alvin G
527. DELLOSA, Mark Kevin U
528. DENTE, Kim D
529. DEOCAMPO, Randeil D
530. DERIJE, John Frederick E
531. DESCALLAR, Hannah Percival B
532. DESOACIDO, James Mareck M
533. DESTURA, Kristina Bianca D
534. DEVESA, Van Lee Roy C
535. DIAO, Jan Claude A
536. DIAZ, Carlo Artemus V
537. DIAZ, Ragesan M
538. DIAZ, Veronica B
539. DICDICAN, Oliver Y
540. DIEZ, Samantha C
542. DIMAANO, Mae Anne R
543. DIMALANTA, Angelica Rose C
544. DIMAPILIS, Jomarc Philip E
545. DIMAYUGA, Leoncia Ma. Cecilia M
546. DIONIO, Jose Mari Angelo A
547. DIRON, Al Hamid P
548. DISAMBURUN, Moh'd Hussein Jaded A
549. DISONGLO, Rose Lyn A
550. DITCHON, Irelan B
551. DIVINO, Lauren Gail D
552. DIZON, Raphael James F
553. DIZON-CATBAGAN, Ma. Liberty Rio P
554. DOMADALUG, Moumina Sheryne L
555. DOMINGO, Julius Caesar G
556. DOMINGO, Maria Czabrina O
557. DOMINGO, Rodalyn P
558. DOMINGUITA, Aladdin P
559. DORADO, Cheryl T
560. DUKA, Gian Jaime A
561. DULAY, Armand Louis T
562. DULDULAO, Christian T
563. DUMA, Stephen John M
564. DUMALANTA, Kristine Draei V
565. DUMASI, Charles A
566. DUP-ET, Carol S
567. DUREZA, Christy Theresa Bernadette A
568. DY, Dranreb U
569. DY, Erik Lawrence S
570. DY, Zara Marie
571. DYOCO, Maria Gracia D
572. ECAL, Erly Z
573. ECO, Christian G
574. EDIZA-ROSALES, Clairol Sienna Marie M
575. EDOS, Jumie Ann O
576. ELAURIA, Erla Rhysa R
577. ELNAS, Karen T
578. EMPAYNADO, Karen G
579. ENAJE, Albert L
580. ENDRINAL, Alvin P
581. ENRILE, April V
582. ENRIQUEZ, Ra Solomon A
583. ERACHO, Marian Kamille F
584. ERFE, Nazi Jester U
585. ERIGA, Ronald Fredric H
586. ESCABARTE, Regant C
587. ESCALA, JR., Vicente V
588. ESCANER, Michael Joseph L
589. ESCOBER, Paulo A
590. ESCUDERO, Allen Michael B
591. ESCUREL, Albert John L
592. ESGUERRA, Dondie Q
593. ESPARAGOZA, Michael Jorge T
594. ESPAÑOLA, JR., Leopoldo D
595. ESPINA-ABELLANA, Christina Angeli C
596. ESPINOSA, Aida Raissa T
597. ESPIRITU, Enrico A
598. ESPIRITU, France Leonor R
599. ESPIRITU, Marie Dainne V
600. ESPIRITU, Peter Guan S
601. ESPLANA, Maria Carla A
602. ESPLANADA-LLANES, Maria Czarina T
603. ESTANIEL, Leo Antoni C
604. ESTANISLAO, William George L
605. ESTEBAN, Fidel L
606. ESTELEYDES, James Bryan V
607. ESTEVEZ, Lara Victoria O
608. ESTILLES, JR., Ronald G
609. ESTIPONA, Joshua Psalm R
610. ESTRADA, Lovely C
611. ESTRADA, Nestonel F
613. ESTRELLA, Jeziel H
614. ESTREMADURA, Joan Janneth M
615. EUGENIO, Bernadette A
616. EUSTAQUIO, Jesse Neil C
617. EXCHAURE, Iris Katrine M
618. FABIAN, Jessielle Ann C
619. FAISAL, Abdul Nassif M
620. FAJARDO, Renee Mark Q
621. FAJARDO, Vincent James V
622. FANGAYEN, Visitacion S
623. FANTILANAN, Chary Lou R
624. FELICIANO, Ma. Priscilla Olivia C
625. FELICIANO, Redentor A
626. FERANDO, Arlene B
627. FERMIN, III, Jann Victor D
628. FERNANDEZ, Jessa Mariz R
629. FERNANDEZ, Maximillian King Z
630. FERNANDEZ, Milagros Katarina A
631. FERNANDEZ, Myra May R
632. FERNANDO, Eunika Raiza V
633. FERNANDO, Jemima B
634. FERNANDO, Lara Carmela G
635. FERNANDO, Mervin Jay R
636. FERRER, Arianne Dominique T
637. FERRER, Euvic M
638. FERRER, Jeanne Carla T
639. FERRER, John Vincent S
640. FERRER, Josephine L
641. FILIPINO, Arturo C
642. FIRMALO, Rebecca M
643. FLORANDA, Geraiza Joy M
644. FLORENDO, Stephanie S
645. FLORES, Donna Marie C
646. FLORETE, Mary Christine Salome C
648. FOOKSON, Clement Bryce B
649. FORMALEJO, Wilfried P
650. FORTUNO, Marienell G
651. FRANCISCO, Caesar Jose F
652. FRANCISCO, Francis G
653. FRANCISCO, Ma. Lani Laurette P
654. FRANCISCO, Marie Denise R
655. FRIAS, Kristina Paola P
656. FUELLAS, Vincent Raymond G
657. FUGGAN, Mariah-janina M
658. FULGENCIO, Alex R
659. GABALES, Gemco C
660. GABAT, Elvis B
661. GACAYAN, Joseph S
662. GALAMGAM, Ariel C
663. GALANTO, Diric V
664. GALAPATE, Erika Krizia M
665. GALLARDO, Enrique A
666. GALLEGO, Arthur Gabriel L
667. GALLEGO, Rajane R
668. GALLEON, Darcee Lois B
669. GALON, Jeric Angelo B
670. GALURA, Ivan Mark C
671. GALVEZ, Genaro N
672. GALVEZ, Kenneth Beneri A
673. GAMBET, Elynur H
674. GAMMAD, Vivien Gay T
675. GAN, Jorella P
676. GAN, Ruby Charmaine U
677. GANAN, Ramon Christopher
678. GANTUANGCO, Gilianne Kathryn L
679. GAPUZ, Golda Julia S
680. GARAY, Florentine T
681. GARAY, Franz Liz R
682. GARCES, Reena Joy G
683. GARCIA, Anne Loraine C
684. GARCIA, Hanna Keila H
685. GARCIA, Jenric Y
686. GARCIA, Karmela Trisha P
687. GARCIA, Kenneth C
688. GARCIA, Maria Jessica Erlinda Angela M
689. GARCIA, Nikki A
690. GARCIA, Patricia Anne E
691. GARONG, Daisy Mae P
692. GARRIDO, Mark Isaak S
693. GASPAR, Maria Paula D
694. GASTARDO, Emildan M
695. GATCHALIAN, Bernard Jonathan L
696. GATDULA, Ann Kathleen C
697. GAUD, Ma. Charisse E
698. GAYAS, Issa G
700. GENCIANEO, Ian Dj D
701. GENERAL, Carol Anne A
702. GENOTA, Mell Anthony L
703. GEONANGA, Ian Michel G
704. GERALDEZ, JR., Norberto P
705. GERODIAS, Beverly Flair G
706. GERONA, Allen Jeil L
707. GERONG, Dael Churchill T
708. GERSALIA, Lawrence Earl Roy A
709. GILBUENA, Darlene D
710. GIPULLA, Leigh Angeli C
711. GIRAO, Christia Sheine E
712. GIVERO, Katrina Kris Gabrielle S
713. GLINDO, Aggy Christine F
714. GLORIA, Carlo Cris V
715. GLORIA, Nadine Alessandra S
716. GO, Jason Edward G
717. GO, Kristine S
718. GOGO, Forcrissa S
719. GOGO, Lee Arvin D
720. GOINGO, Francis Josef T
721. GOJUNCO, Trina Donabelle R
722. GOMEZ, Rameses DT
723. GONZAGA, Leonette Marie L
724. GONZALES, Abbygaile T
725. GONZALES, Aizza L
726. GONZALES, Ariel D
727. GONZALES, Athanasia Zoe A
728. GONZALES, Cler Thea C
729. GONZALES, Jose Ma. Ronaldo D
730. GONZALES, Rionald J
731. GONZALGO, Azenith P
732. GONZALODO, Arnold M
733. GOPICO, III, Aventino S
734. GOZUN, Robicka Mae C
735. GOÑO, Cielo Marjorie A
736. GRAFILO, Sarah Jeanne H
737. GRANADILLOS, Dennis L
738. GRANADO, Lorelee Margaret T
739. GRANTOZA, Charles Joseph L
740. GRANTOZA, Jerilee H
741. GRATELA, Alexxis Monique O
742. GREGORIO, Alvin Clyde O
743. GREGORIO, Barbie Jan V
744. GREGORIO, Emmanuelle Hendrix C
745. GUANGKO, Keisha Trina M
746. GUANSING, Hazel Ritz D
747. GUARINO, Maria Victoria G
748. GUARINO, Michell B
749. GUIFAYA, Florence Kathleen L
750. GUILLEN, Maria Lourdes P
751. GUILLERMO, Marvic Vonn B
752. GUIMBARDA, JR., Rodolfo M
753. GUINTO, Aleli R
754. GUMABAO, Reiland G
755. GUMPAL, Angeli Anne L
756. GURO, JR., Manggay G
757. GUTIERREZ, Katrina Francesca Martha G
758. HABANA, Janeth G
759. HADAP, Nancy R
760. HADJIUSMAN, Jamalodin L
761. HAGAD, Imelda Maira H
762. HALOS, Aeron Aldrich B
763. HATOL, Martin Michael U
764. HAUTEA, Maria Carmela D
765. HERNANDEZ, Divina Gracia A
766. HERNANDEZ, Gertrude Feliz A
767. HERNANDEZ, Giselle P
768. HERNANDEZ, Jedd Brian R
769. HERNANDEZ, Jovelyn R
770. HERNANDEZ, Kym Leiner C
771. HERNANDEZ, Richard A
773. HERRERA, Karla Margarita L
774. HERRERA, III, Ernesto C
775. HILAO, Denise C
776. HIPOLITO, Egm Anmar F
777. HIPOLITO, Kathleen Kirby P
778. HIÑOLA, Vincent P
779. HONGCO, Junnie Vee D
780. HORMILLOSA, Hazel Faith J
781. HUI, Aldrich Ransleigh M
782. IBARRA-SAGAY, Ann Cristine S
783. IBAÑEZ, John Eddu V
784. IBERA, Gerald T
785. IGNACIO, Gabriel Lorenzo L
786. IJIN, Mohammad Ijin E
787. ILAGAN, Kerstin Kaye L
788. ILAGAN, Maria Charis Kay S
789. ILAGAN, Robee Marie M
790. ILAO, JR., Moreno M
791. ILLESCAS, Noel Kris E
792. IMBAT, Oswald P
793. INDINO, Ofelia M
794. INOT, Roneil L
795. INTON, Ferdinand P
796. ISRAEL, Roxan Gracielle D
797. ITUTUD, Judeus B
798. JACILDO, Jecca B
799. JADAP, Daughnilen S
800. JAMILA, Ricci A
801. JAMONER, Paul James T
802. JAMORA, Norman Jay F
803. JANOLO, Celine-maria B
804. JARO, Jan-michael P
805. JAVELOSA, III, Narciso F
806. JAVELOSA, III, Ranulfo J
807. JAVIER, Gemma Andrea C
808. JAVIER, Mary Grace L
809. JAVIER, Ryan Joseph N
810. JHOCSON, Anna Patricia T
811. JIMENEZ, Jason S
812. JOEL, Alvin Divino R
813. JOLITO, Joenifer S
814. JOSE, JR., Andres S
815. JOSOL, John Daryl D
816. JOVEN, Eric Samuel P
817. JUAN, II, Virginio C
818. JULIAN, Nicole Alora G
819. JUMAMIL, Devona H
820. JUNCO, Michelle P
821. JUNTILLA, Edryne Jeth F
822. JUSAY, Maria Christina M
823. KADIL, Kal Kausar S
824. KAGAOAN, Anna Maria D
825. KAHULUGAN, Auda Bea P
826. KALAW, Katrina L
827. KAPAWEN, Aubrey Macnee A
828. KAPUNAN, Ceasario Rex P
829. KARIM, Sittie Nadia M
830. KASILAG-SANCHEZ, Lucrecia Cecilia C
831. KHO, Rhacq B
832. KING, Charlotte Y
833. KING, Clarizel L
834. KING, Kathleen Anne S
835. KING, Keith Elbert C
836. KING, Maximilian P
837. KINTANAR, Paula Carissa V
838. KREBS, Kyle Malachy S
839. LABAJANAN, Michelle C
840. LABISIG, Hansard G
841. LABRO, Jerueh L
842. LABTIC, Clint Octavius E
843. LABUGUEN, Peter Jhon O
844. LACABA, Harold B
845. LACAS, Jose Mari Carlo D
846. LACAS, JR., Pascual A
847. LACSINA, Conrad Smith C
848. LADESMA, Gean Yvish R
849. LADINES, Giovanni Christian D
850. LADOT, Delight B
851. LADRINGAN, Maranatha Praise D
852. LAGASON, Paula Grace C
853. LAGMAN, Kathleen Halley M
854. LAGOS, Marita P
855. LAGROSAS, Sheryl Christine V
857. LAIZ, III, Francisco C
858. LAJA, Lanoel S
859. LAMBINO, Meryllainne Rhacquel DG
860. LAMEN-LEGANO, Florence Gay C
861. LAMPA-MANALO, Nina Luisa S
862. LANTAJO, Czarina Rose T
864. LAO, Niniveh B
865. LAPIÑA, Carmichael C
866. LAPUT, Rena Mae A
867. LAROSA, Raynan A
868. LASERNA, Lorielle R
869. LAUBAN, Norhussien U
870. LAURAYA, Jedidiah Martin M
871. LAURENCIANA, Jackelyn B
872. LAUT, Soraya S
873. LAWAGAN, Roy P
874. LAWAGAN, JR., Guillermo F
875. LAYGO, Annie Grace A
876. LAYSON, Avegail P
877. LAZARO, Jacquelyn D
878. LAZARO, Loralyn Anne R
879. LEAÑO, Maria Ofelia S
880. LEDESMA, Lloyd Paul C
881. LEE, Jeanelle C
882. LEE, Kathleen Sherry U
883. LEGASPI, Aaron Jeric M
884. LEGASPI, Maricris G
885. LEGASPI, Marjorie C
886. LEGURPA, Marlon D
887. LEONAR, April Joy B
888. LEQUIGAN, Kaye Hazel C
889. LESTERIO, Nizza P
890. LEVANZA, Ernest P
891. LIANKO, Kathreen Jessica M
892. LIAO, Kirby Bryan M
893. LIBA, Maria Celirina S
894. LIBERATO, Nathaniel P
895. LIBONGCO, Karl Francis A
896. LIM, Arl P
897. LIM, Debbie Anne Y
898. LIM, Paolo Carlo O
899. LIM, Richard Allan A
900. LIM, Robert Jay T
901. LIMCUMPAO, Benigno Russ M
902. LIMFUECO, Shiella Jane R
903. LIMJAP, Michelle F
904. LINA, Niño Don L
905. LINDAIN, Homer V
906. LITUAÑAS, Mary Rose C
907. LIU, Kristine Jane R
908. LIWANAG, Angeline A
909. LLANES, Chaz Angelo Joshua P
910. LOMBOY, Ana Marie C
911. LOMIOAN, Galao G
912. LONGAQUIT, Daniel P
913. LOPA, Maria Caterina Cristina R
914. LOPEZ, Ma. Carina G
915. LOR, Remfel G
916. LORAYES, Kristel Dominique A
917. LORENZO, Frances Adelaide C
918. LORICA, Juan Paolo D
919. LOZANO, Mark V
920. LU, Rochelle Rea A
921. LUBANTE, Jessica B
922. LUCAYLUCAY, Maicha M
923. LUCENARIO, Domingo Iii A
924. LUCILO, Ivy Suzieline E
925. LUGLUG, Jeremy B
926. LUGOD, Cherry Mae D
927. LUKBAN, Ken Xavier T
928. LUKBAN, Ma. Carmela L
929. LULU, John Albert B
930. LUMAPAS, Nestor Crispin Miguel B
931. LUNAR, Lorena Lerma M
932. LUSICA, Richard P
933. LUSUNG, JR., Augusto C
934. MABALOT, Mc Rhondolf Louie V
935. MABAZZA, Jason C
936. MACABABBAD, John Paul D
937. MACABAGDAL, Joanne O
938. MACABALES, John Gilbert F
939. MACABULOS, Eduardo Danilo F
940. MACALALAD, Cresta Amor R
941. MACALANDA, Marion Camille G
943. MACARAEG, Maureen Z
944. MACASA, Joseph Paul A
945. MACATUNO, Honey Leth T
946. MACOD, Sittie Rainnie G
947. MACROHON, Jenielyn A
948. MADARANG, Jo Ann Frances D
949. MADIO, Joel L
950. MADRILEÑO, Lowell Fredrick A
951. MAGA, Bryan John G
952. MAGALONG, Kristina Louise S
953. MAGBUHOS, Denise Dianne A
954. MAGLAQUE, Lorrielaine A
955. MAGLAYA, Cara Mariel S
956. MAGNO, Ian Alfredo T
957. MAGNO, Pacifico Angelo S
959. MAGPUSAO, Chris-jerome J
960. MAGSAYSAY, Margarita Lourdes F
961. MAGSUCI, Jelina Maree D
962. MAGTAGÑOB, Rosanne Jeli G
963. MAGTIBAY, Ma. Lia Karen S
964. MAGULTA, Lara Angela F
965. MALACAS, Ma. Regina O
966. MALANG, William Russel S
967. MALASAGA, Jay P
968. MALIONES, Karen Mae M
969. MAMACLAY, Rosecellini T
970. MAMURI, Jessica Maria M
971. MANAHAN, Lalaine M
972. MANAHAN, II, Zoilo M
973. MANALO, Jonas Anton M
974. MANALO, Mary Joanne M
975. MANALO, Patrick Austin R
976. MANANQUIL, Unica Amor R
977. MANANTAN, Jenny Flor T
978. MANATA, Lita A
979. MANAUIS, Arjay C
981. MANDAP, Joanna Rizza B
982. MANGACOP, Fahad D
983. MANGAHAS, Rosalina T
984. MANGALINDAN, Carmina M
985. MANGALINDAN, Shalom Joy L
986. MANGONDAYA, Aslimah S
987. MANGROBANG, Cristina Elaine D
988. MANGUBAT, Jan G
989. MANGUBAT, Kristine B
990. MANGUNAY, Ann Margaret Q
991. MANIBOG, Korina Ana T
992. MANIQUIS, Maria Estella M
993. MANRIQUE, Ali Loraine V
994. MANTARING, Jeffrey S
995. MANUEL, Maria Theresa Amor C
996. MANUEL, Mark Anthony N
997. MANUEL, Maxine Victor E
998. MANUTA, Michael Jan G
999. MANZANO, Arnold R
1001. MARALLAG-AVE, Kristine R
1002. MARAMAG, Jeremy Jones B
1003. MARANAN, Maica Maris D
1004. MARAVILLA, Mark Brian B
1005. MARIANO, Paul Webster M
1006. MARIANO, Sharmaine Reza B
1007. MARQUEZ, Vincent Mc Eduard M
1008. MARTIN, II, Lito Paolo T
1009. MARTINEZ, Anna Katrina M
1010. MARTINEZ, Emil Angelo C
1011. MARTINEZ, Krys Valen O
1012. MASCENON, Ana Graciella S
1013. MASONGSONG, Christian Leonard V
1014. MATABAN, Vincent C
1015. MATEN, Lene M
1016. MATEO, Jemen A
1017. MATEO, Maria Angelica M
1018. MATEO, Maygenica A
1019. MATIAS, Monchito N
1020. MATIBAG, Ramon Antonio L
1021. MATIVO, Kathleen A
1022. MATOTE, Sofia E
1023. MAULION, Rynbert Anthony L
1024. MAURICIO, Maria Luisa Dominique D
1025. MAURO, Sharilee Angela G
1026. MAUTANTE, Mariam G
1027. MAUYAG, Rishzmin P
1028. MAWIS, Sara Mae D
1029. MAXINO, Izzy Martin R
1030. MAYO, Carlo Magno K
1031. MAYOL, III, Alfredo L
1032. MAÑEGO, Julius Eleazar N
1033. MEDALLE, Mat Eric M
1034. MEDEQUISO, Gwendolyn P
1035. MEDINA, Angiereen D
1036. MEER, Jose Luis Francisco P
1037. MEJIA, Daryll Margaret V
1038. MELEGRITO, Mark John C
1039. MELOTE, Mark Paolo M
1040. MENCHAVEZ, JR., Eric M
1041. MENDEZ, Arvi Gale C
1042. MENDIOLA, Bella Mercedes G
1043. MENDOZA, Angelique M
1044. MENDOZA, Dionne Mae A
1045. MENDOZA, Frances Margarette A
1046. MENDOZA, Jeffrey G
1047. MENDOZA, Jona Christinelli C
1048. MENDOZA, Kristine M
1049. MENDOZA, JR., Manuel T
1050. MENESES, Kristine Grace P
1051. MERCADO, Jeffrey M
1052. MERCADO, Maria Emma Gille A
1053. MERCADO, Paul Joseph V
1054. MERCADO, Roxanne Joyce L
1055. MERIS, Madelaine Anne M
1056. MERIS, Mary Angela M
1057. MESINA, Karla Eunice T
1058. MEÑEZ, Emmanuel Joseph F
1059. MIGRIÑO, Dexter C
1060. MIGRIÑO, Erika Paola M
1061. MILA, Kathlynn B
1062. MILAN, Joel D
1063. MILITANTE, III, Jose Constantino C
1064. MINA, Madeline P
1065. MINA, Matthew Ryan R
1066. MIRAFLOR, Russel C
1067. MIRANDA, Rachel Angeli B
1068. MIRANDO, Margie B
1069. MOHAMMADALI, Sittie Aisah M
1070. MOHAMMADSALI, Al-azree J
1071. MOLETA, Karen H
1072. MOLINA, Dominico Vitto SE
1073. MONATO, III, Marceliano P
1074. MONTALVO, Henson M
1075. MONTAYRE, Maria Gabriela O
1076. MONTENEGRO, Ryan C
1077. MORADA, Marlon D
1078. MORALES, Monique B
1079. MORALES, Waren J
1080. MORDENO, Katrina G
1081. MORELOS, Michelle Ann L
1082. MORENO, Ericson R
1083. MORENO, Lucille Gaye A
1084. MORTEL, Ana Margarita A
1085. MOSQUERA, Florenz Ross S
1086. MOVIDO, Romeo Manuel Joshua R
1087. MUELA, Carl Rupert C
1088. MUIN, Alkhadri H
1089. MUPAS, Janelle C
1090. MURCIA, Carlo Paolo P
1091. MURILLO, Angelo L
1092. MURLA, JR., Wilfred A
1093. MUSNI, Megan Daphne D
1094. MUTI, Jorhany S
1095. MUTIA, Kristine Mae A
1097. MUYUELA, Fatima Mae A
1098. MUÑEZ, Ramon Alfonso T
1099. MUÑEZ, Stephen Don Q
1100. MUÑOZ, Lirio R
1101. NACU, Mary Grace M
1102. NAGA, Michael Demph D
1103. NAGASAN, Leo Kirby B
1104. NAGASE, Chieri B
1105. NAGTALON, Eryl Royce R
1106. NALZARO, Dalton Dave M
1107. NAPALA, Jessica E
1108. NARCA, Anacelle L
1109. NARDO, Gamaliel E
1110. NARTATES, Grace R
1111. NARVASA, Carlo Joaquin T
1112. NAS, Jessamine Jared S
1114. NAVAL-NAGA, Ma. Katrina M
1115. NAVARRA, Christine Mae P
1116. NAVARRETE, Anne Katherine P
1117. NAVARRO, Jimmy D
1118. NENGASCA, Sarah Jane A
1119. NERI, Jorgianna V
1120. NEYRA, Prince Arthur M
1121. NICOLASORA, Maria Joy Rosario S
1122. NITURA, Enrique F
1123. NITURA, Karla Izavella A
1124. NOMBRES, Josa Mary M
1125. NOSCAL, Geoffrey Angelo V
1126. NOVEDA, Kara Mae M
1127. NUÑEZA, Rosalie A
1128. OCBA, Dejeh O
1129. OCHOA, Randy C
1130. OCLARIT, Eunice Grace R
1131. ODOSIS, Derek J
1132. ODUCADO, Nathaniel M
1133. OFILAS, Cathleen Lezette S
1134. OGATIS, Nimrod V
1135. OLA, Jille Audrey F
1136. OLALIA, Mary Ann P
1137. OLID, Shiella P
1138. OLIQUINO, Lea M
1139. OLITA-CABARLES, Mary Lyka M
1140. OLONAN, Virson Tillich G
1141. OLVIS, Olive Corrine N
1142. OMELDA, Nizza U
1143. ONDANGAN, Jandel V
1144. ONG, Astrid Sheevette P
1145. ONG, Hanica Rachael Arshia J
1146. ONG, Mae Lane R
1147. ONG, Ruth Ann Q
1148. ONGCHUAN, Mary Felicci B
1149. OPAY, Jeff Mikol A
1150. OPERIANO, Lord F
1151. OPEÑA, Alexander F
1152. OPEÑA, Edda A
1153. OPLE, Felix Francis B
1154. OPLE, Mildred F
1155. ORALLO, Joana Marie C
1156. ORDANEZA, Mary Joy M
1157. ORDILLO, Sabra Rachel P
1158. ORIÑO, Ian Dominic M
1159. ORPILLA, Richelle H
1160. ORSUA, Reynold L
1161. ORTEZUELA, Daphne Angela L
1162. ORTIZ, Jaypee B
1163. ORTIZ LUIS, Nastasha Dominique G
1164. OSO, Dominic Paul C
1165. OSTIA-ALBURO, Rizzle May R
1166. OYOS, Gerlyn Fe G
1167. PABICO, Kristine D
1168. PABILANE, Frances L
1169. PABLICO, Rizajane B
1170. PABUSTAN, Sheena Marie P
1171. PACLIBAR, Jeena P
1172. PADILLA, Nastasia Anne C
1173. PADILLA, Ysabel Jean B
1174. PAGADUAN, Daryl C
1175. PAGARAN, Rhyan John C
1176. PAGAYANAN, Renz J
1177. PAGTOLON-AN, Rolando B
1178. PAGUIDOPON, Joanne M
1179. PAGURAYAN, Joana May C
1180. PAJE, Rosalie E
1181. PALAC, Fritzgerald Ace S
1182. PALACIO, Aldrin S
1183. PALACIO, Francis Bernard A
1184. PALAD, Eddie Bouy B
1185. PALATTAO, Rose Angeli T
1186. PALENCIA, Maycee D
1187. PALGAN, Arlene P
1188. PALILEO, JR., Fernando C
1189. PALINGPINGAN, Jordan P
1190. PALLADO, Danny L
1191. PALMA, Isabella Gianna P
1192. PALMERA, Roxannie S
1193. PALMONES, Eloisa C
1194. PAMA, III, Edilberto E
1195. PAMATIAN, Reggie Anne D
1196. PAMINIANO, Mary Cris N
1197. PAMINTER, Angela S
1198. PANAO, Rogelio Alicor L
1199. PANDI, Romdell L
1200. PANGAN, Kevin Averell A
1201. PANGANIBAN, Francis Immanuel DC
1202. PANGANIBAN, Muriel Ielaine B
1203. PANGUBAN, Katherine A
1204. PANOTES, Raymond A
1205. PARACAD, John Mark N
1206. PARAÑOS, Roddel R
1207. PAREL, Prince Ever C
1208. PARILLA, Janice M
1209. PARPAN, Camille Ross G
1210. PARTOSA-AGUILAR, Sheridyll M
1211. PARUNGAO, Edwardo D
1212. PASATIEMPO, Eunice Christine Anne T
1213. PASCASIO, Jarmae Z
1214. PASCASIO, Kristina Karen O
1215. PASCUA, Marvin P
1216. PASCUAL, Honey Vanessa S
1217. PASIA, Laurence L
1218. PASICOLAN, Alvin P
1219. PASTOR, Ann Marie Loren R
1220. PASTORAL, Ma. Lourdes Zendy D
1221. PATDU, Lovely Strawberry N
1222. PATIGDAS, Maria Girly V
1223. PATRIARCA, George Franz Nico F
1224. PAULIN, Ivy Steve M
1225. PAULINO, JR., Rolen C
1226. PAÑO, Maria Janina Rosario L
1228. PEDREGOSA, Ana Mae P
1229. PEKAS, Bryan G
1230. PEPITO, Althea Marie B
1231. PERALTA, Julien F
1232. PERALTA, Rhegine T
1233. PEREZ, Barbie Kaye B
1234. PEREZ, Bryan Alphonso E
1235. PEREZ, Gretchen M
1236. PEREZ, Marjorie B
1237. PEREZ DE TAGLE, Gaston Franco V
1238. PERUCHO, Jeralph G
1239. PESTAÑO, Glenn Allen O
1241. PEÑA, Francis Nico F
1242. PEÑALBER, Amirah L
1243. PIA, Madeleine Andrea T
1244. PIGAO, I, John Socrates G
1245. PILA, Garriz P
1246. PILAR, Gilbert H
1247. PINEDA, Glorie Anne
1248. PINEDA, Roger Arpee P
1249. PINILI, Francis David B
1250. PIO-MEDEZ, Josie L
1251. PITALCORIN, Feona Ivana D
1252. PIÑERA, Eleonor E
1253. PIÑERA, Rene Raffy T
1254. PLAZA, Athena C
1255. PLAZA, Lady Love Y
1256. PLAZA, Rafaelita L
1257. POCULAN, Goldie Love I
1258. POLESTICO, Anthony
1259. POLINGA, Julius S
1260. PONCE, Eumel E
1261. PONGAS, Mike Burton M
1262. POON, Jan Jordan L
1263. POTINGAN, Kate C
1264. POZON, Iris M
1265. PRANGA, Rytchum M
1266. PRUDENCIADO, JR., Reynaldo M
1267. PRUDENTE, Francesco Micael N
1268. PUGONG, Gertrude M
1269. PULIDO, Jerano Paulo B
1270. PULIDO-SADIAN, Mary Grace V
1271. PULMA, Rodel James R
1272. PUNO, Jasmine A
1273. PURACAN, Kristine Joy N
1274. PURINO, Mary Rose A
1275. PUSA, Rommel P
1276. PUSAY, Mary Agnes S
1277. PUTUNGAN, Maria Theresa Minda P
1278. QUERIDA, Rosalyn Mary L
1279. QUERUBIN, Jovy Anne V
1280. QUERUBIN, Reiner O
1281. QUIBIR-MAGBIRAY, Maria Ana Zenaida D
1282. QUIBOD, Kristine Mae M
1284. QUIMPO, Naomi Charmaine D
1285. QUINIVISTA, Kristine Mae B
1286. QUINSAYAS, Joseph P
1287. QUINTANA, Retzelyn Mae G
1288. QUINTOS, Hailin DG
1289. QUIROZ, Bernardine V
1290. QUITORIANO, Bernadette M
1291. QUIÑO, Robie P
1292. QUIÑONES, Nathalie B
1293. RABANG, Joahnna Guia E
1294. RAFANAN, Frodina Mafoxci J
1295. RAMACHO, Nathan Joseph P
1296. RAMIREZ, Angelito Emmanuel V
1297. RAMIREZ, Javierose M
1298. RAMOS, Fidel C
1299. RAMOS, Kathleen Teresa M
1300. RAMOS, Ronald A
1301. RAMOS, Ryan Jay R
1302. RAMOS, Theresa D
1303. RAMOS, JR., Conrado O
1304. RASUMAN, Anisa Hafiza L
1305. RAZON, Loubelle L
1306. REAL, Tara Angelique T
1307. REBALDO, Jude Isidro A
1308. RECALDE, JR., Alberto D
1309. RECAMARA, Julienne Marie C
1310. REFUERZO, Esther Katherine R
1311. REGACHO, Erness Faith J
1312. REGALARIO, Jaime Sandino C
1313. REGAÑON, Kenneth E
1314. REGIDOR, Romylyn O
1315. REGIS, Alain Bert G
1316. REGUA, Steve Russel P
1317. REGUCERA, Rexbelli B
1318. REMIGIO, Kristalyn Karen B
1319. REMINAJES-REYES, Jeri Jacqueline T
1320. REMOLACIO, Noel A
1321. REMOLAR, Joanna Kaye B
1322. REMOLLO, Jo Margarette W
1323. REPOSO, John Philipps M
1324. RESPICIO, Jeryll Harold P
1325. RETUYA, Lawrence L
1326. REVILLA, Dinna Lynn P
1328. REVILLOZA, Loyd Greg P
1329. REVOTE, Allan G
1330. REYES, Ana Victoria B
1331. REYES, Carmina C
1332. REYES, Danya T
1333. REYES, Ernest Anthony L
1334. REYES, Ezra Maica R
1335. REYES, Jonathan A
1336. REYES, Joseph Michael C
1337. REYES, Joshua James R
1338. REYES, Lorenzo Marvin S
1339. REYES, Mattheu Jericho A
1340. REYES, Mervin M
1341. REYES, Odessa H
1342. REYES, JR., Conrado DO
1343. REYES, JR., Narciso G
1344. REYES-PATAG, Lesley Anne Y
1345. RILLERA, Denmark M
1346. RILLON, Ruth Maureen C
1347. RIMAS, Melissa M
1349. RIVERA, Ferdinand E
1350. RIVERA, Katrina G
1351. RIVERA, Michelle C
1352. RIVERA, Paula Elise R
1353. ROBENIOL, Gabriel Antonio D
1354. ROBIÑO, Nile April P
1355. ROBLES, Basilito M
1356. ROBLES, Prince Rayner D
1357. ROCERO, George D
1358. ROCHA, IV, Ramon I
1359. ROCO, Jose-mari H
1360. RODRIGUEZ, Ella Racquel N
1361. ROJAS, Angelica T
1362. ROJAS, Chelissa Mae N
1363. ROJAS, Ralph Anderson A
1364. ROJAS-CALLAO, Annie C
1365. ROJO, Mark Anthony R
1366. ROMA, II, Alfonso L
1367. ROMANO, Edwin E
1368. ROMANO, Ryan Ceazar P
1369. ROMARATE, Geralyn T
1370. ROMERO, Angeli Patricia C
1371. ROMERO, Ralph Christian B
1372. ROMUAR, Ma. Cherie Bambi R
1373. ROMULO, Carlos Celestino F
1375. ROSALES, Giness Marie G
1376. ROSALES, Regina Patricia C
1377. ROSALES, Richard M
1378. ROSALES, Ronn Robby D
1379. ROSARIO, Earl Caezar N
1380. ROSAS, Reeld Holly D
1381. ROXAS, Rochelle Marie C
1382. ROXAS, Roxan O
1383. ROXAS TAN, Vincent S
1384. RUAYA, Ronald S
1385. RUBICA-SABORDO, Charade Circe C
1386. RUBIO, Darwin Perry B
1387. RUBIO-AGUINALDO, Mishelle Anne R
1388. RUGA, Hana Chrisna C
1389. RUIZ, Ma. Buena Magdalena R
1390. RUTOR, Lyndon W
1391. RUYERAS, William Angelo B
1392. SABA, Kayzer Aldrin Z
1393. SABALO, Brian B
1394. SABELLANO, Kenny C
1395. SABELO, Marte M
1396. SABILALA, Dan Bernard S
1397. SACLOT, Jeffrey C
1398. SACOTE, Lilaben A
1399. SACRAMENTO, Patrick D
1400. SACRO, Marielle Kriza T
1401. SADAIN, Jameela S
1402. SADICON, Marianne Faith B
1403. SADONGDONG, Jerome B
1404. SAGPAEY, Jenny A
1405. SAGUIN, JR., Rogelio H
1406. SAGUINSIN, Loraine D
1407. SAGUN, Ruelan L
1408. SALAMATIN, April Michelle D
1409. SALANGA, Rowena Angela C
1410. SALANGUIT, Marian B
1411. SALANGUIT, Maritoni B
1412. SALAPANG, Annie Sheila C
1413. SALAS, Athena M
1414. SALAS, Pearl Joy M
1415. SALAS, JR., Alexander G
1416. SALAYOG, Kyra Vernice G
1417. SALCEDO, Michelle B
1418. SALDON, Christ Shaney C
1419. SALIG, Hyacinth Marie T
1420. SALINAS, Alicia P
1421. SALINDO, Elvin S
1422. SALIOT, Riona Vince S
1423. SALISE, Mary Christine Anthonette M
1424. SALIZON, Benedic G
1425. SALLY, Ferdinand T
1426. SALON, Ephraim D
1427. SALUNAT, Early Joy L
1428. SAMEDRA, Arvy Chris D
1429. SAN AGUSTIN, Geoff Lyn D
1430. SAN JOSE, Riza Kristina E
1431. SAN PEDRO, Jose Maria Ceasar C
1432. SANCHEZ, Alfie Sonia Q
1433. SANCHEZ, Carlo Gabriel P
1434. SANCHEZ, Marie Alexis Denise S
1435. SANCHEZ, Ralph J
1436. SANCHO, Alona Margaret B
1437. SANDIGAN, Ronald Ryan A
1438. SANDOVAL, Anna Kristina B
1439. SANIEL, Jose Ruel A
1440. SANTAMINA, Angelie B
1441. SANTIAGO, Joanna Elvira L
1442. SANTIAGO, Katrina Gynne F
1443. SANTIAGO, Miguel Antonio P
1444. SANTILLAN, Phoebe Samantha A
1445. SANTOS, Aaron Bailey G
1446. SANTOS, Al Marvin W
1447. SANTOS, Christian Lloyd S
1448. SANTOS, Hyacinth B
1449. SANTOS, Jim Joel N
1450. SANTOS, John Terry H
1451. SANTOS, Jose Antonio Rafael G
1452. SANTOS, Jose Manuel S
1453. SANTOS, Karen Anne G
1454. SANTOS, Louie L
1455. SANTOS, Louie Ernest B
1456. SANTOS, Marc Mikhaele J
1457. SANTOS, Maria Irene I
1458. SANTOS, Maricar Jan M
1459. SANTOS, Mario D
1460. SANTOS, Roselee B
1461. SANTOS, Ryan G
1462. SANTOS, III, Lamberto L
1463. SAPORNE, Maria Cecilia T
1464. SARANDI, Abigail Moffait P
1465. SARITA, Cecille Angela T
1466. SARMIENTO, Maria Kristel B
1467. SASPA, Dianah Jee U
1468. SAYO, Patricia Anne S
1469. SAYSON, James Allan C
1470. SEBASTIAN, Bobby Johnson O
1471. SEGOVIA, Maria Cielito B
1472. SEGUBRE, Paolo M
1473. SEGUI, Adrian Donald L
1474. SEGUNDO, Karissa Inez A
1475. SEIT, Jade Q
1476. SEMILLANO, Mipps Mardie
1477. SENAJON, Cristyl Mae B
1478. SENTILLAS, Kenneth Roy E
1479. SENUPE, Ma. Juanna Ester D
1480. SERASPI, Chinky Dane C
1481. SERRANO, Erika Sheena C
1482. SERRANO, Lennard Constantine C
1483. SERZO, Aiken Larisa O
1484. SESE, Rens Gener P
1485. SEVA, Jose Pio J
1486. SEVILLA, Prince Junel G
1487. SEVILLA, Toni Lou S
1488. SIA, Rowneylin SJ
1489. SIAZON, Leigh Nicole TC
1490. SICCUAN, Don Mikhail A
1491. SILANG, Valery Ann P
1492. SILAO, Coravirna D
1493. SILONGAN, JR., Ibrahim K
1494. SILVA, Angelo Joseph C
1495. SILVA, Merlo Vinia C
1496. SILVA, Nikko Emmanuel D
1497. SIMON, Simon L
1498. SINCO, Noel Y
1499. SING, Anthony L
1500. SINGCOL, Anna Katrina T
1501. SINGZON, Anthony U
1502. SINOCRUZ, Fay Kristina P
1503. SINSONA, JR., Norberto J
1504. SIRON, Rafaela P
1505. SISON, Charm D
1506. SISON, John Michael O
1507. SISON, Kimberly Rae A
1508. SOL, JR., Rodolfo A
1509. SOLIMAN, Rhea-ann J
1510. SOLINAP, John Leo D
1511. SOLLANO, Ma. Mikhaella Rosario Z
1512. SOLLESTRE, Sheryl M
1513. SOMES, Erwin A
1514. SORIANO, Cassioppea Jerose V
1515. SORIAO, Howell Ivan Ritche B
1516. SOTTO, Darwin C
1517. SQUILLANTINI, Claudia Gabriella R
1518. STA. CRUZ, Juan Antonio D
1519. STA. MARIA, Patricia Anne D
1520. STO. TOMAS, Jefferson H
1522. SUBA, Nasrifa S
1523. SUGGUIYAO, Amirozelle Katya G
1524. SULIT, Juzzelyx B
1525. SUMAYOD, JR., Alejandro S
1526. SUMBILLA, JR., Vedasto B
1527. SUMERGIDO, Katty Khee G
1528. SUMINGUIT, Ramel C
1529. SUMOGBA, JR., Enrique T
1530. SUN, Jason Oliver C
1531. SUPATAN, Lorena M
1532. SUPE, Mary Hariette B
1533. SUPERABLE, Nonalyn S
1534. SUPNET, Winly Joy L
1535. SURUIZ, Jonar M
1536. SUSVILLA, Ivy B
1537. SY, Jacklyn Kim L
1538. SY, John Habib J
1539. SY, Kenneth Elvin C
1540. SYDIONGCO, Jacqueline Carlotta B
1541. SYSON, Patricia Leticia R
1542. SZE, Maria Lourdes G
1543. TABBU, Ruby Joyce S
1544. TABILISMA, Marlon P
1545. TABOADA, Giovanne C
1546. TADE, Chelsea Raye N
1547. TADLAS, Jed Libby B
1548. TAGANAS, Iris Pauline G
1549. TAGUINOD-MAGGAY, Tshaine B
1551. TALAN, Glady Mae S
1552. TALAO, Vincent Paul R
1553. TALDE, Jay-b L
1554. TALINGTING, Avril Reina O
1555. TAM, Leoni Mae Rubi L
1556. TAMAYO, Karen Rose C
1557. TAMAYO, Vixid Role T
1558. TAMBAOAN, Joan Carmel S
1559. TAMBOR, Jennidy S
1560. TAMPIS, Doris Moriel B
1561. TAMPUS, Shane May B
1562. TAN, Deo Virgil R
1563. TAN, Jeffrey Rod Y
1564. TAN, Jose Lorenzo C
1565. TAN, Mahrra Anna P
1566. TAN, Nico Bryan P
1567. TAN, Suzette H
1568. TAN-ESTANDARTE, Marene Rose F
1569. TANDOC, Mark Haddison P
1570. TANTUAN, Edhona C
1571. TAPIA, JR., Judito H
1572. TAQUIO, Maria Cristina B
1573. TARIGA, Marc Eico C
1574. TARUC, Rhyzzi Celine S
1575. TATCO, Kevin Christopher C
1576. TAWARAN, Jennifer M
1577. TAYLO, III, Jose Herminio D
1578. TE, Jill Angeline R
1579. TECSON, Katherine Michel V
1580. TEJADA, Dan Tristan T
1581. TEMBLOR, Vilmalen M
1582. TENGCO, Sheenalyn R
1583. TEODORO, Pascual Agusto Carlo P
1584. TEOPE, JR., Mario R
1585. TEVES, Maria Althea M
1586. TICZON, Maria Kristelle A
1587. TIGSON, John Benedict T
1588. TILOS, Fenna Marie A
1589. TIMBOL, Rodney C
1590. TINAGAN, Ingrid T
1591. TIU, Jericho R
1592. TIU, Sean Carlo C
1593. TOCAO, Zehan Loren E
1594. TOLEDO, Eleonor U
1595. TOLENTINO, Julie Ann B
1596. TOLENTINO, Lyka Leigh M
1597. TOLENTINO, Rose Ann O
1598. TOLENTINO, Sonby Adam A
1599. TOMBOC, Paul Angelo F
1600. TONGSON, Tristan Jason R
1601. TONOG, Franco Archie N
1602. TOPACIO, Alexandria J
1603. TORALBA, Marty Franz F
1604. TORNO, Jesa Kristi R
1605. TORRALBA, Connie Beb A
1606. TORRE, John Lerrie I
1607. TORRES, Aljeane F
1608. TORRES, Lameriza M
1609. TORRIZO, JR., Romeo S
1610. TOVERA, Marilyn Sharina R
1611. TRAYA, Rex Julius A
1612. TRIA, Dani Lynne P
1613. TRIESTE, JR., Gerome M
1614. TRINIDAD, Peter Neil E
1615. TRINIDAD, Ysabel Fatima N
1616. TRINIDAD, JR., Mario P
1617. TRONQUED, Marlon Iñigo T
1618. TUAZON, Diana Jean M
1619. TUAZON, Jolina Pauline T
1620. TUAZON, Lara Karina S
1621. TUBIERA, Hana Marita H
1622. TUGUIC, Joshua B
1623. TUMALIUAN, Bong Richard M
1624. TUMAMAO, Ramse A
1627. TUMARU, Bernard Joseph V
1628. TUMARU, Karla Mae V
1630. TUÑACAO, Tiffany L
1631. UBOD, Camille Therese L
1632. UGSAD, Francis Bon C
1633. UMALI, Francis Rainier B
1634. URBANOZO, Laird Dionel N
1635. URBINA, Jamila R
1636. URSAL, Ernesto (junjun) L
1637. UY, Josie Antonette M
1638. UY, Martin Juris V
1639. UY, Michael Vincent M
1640. UY, Nathaniel Andrew Y
1641. UY, Paul Angelo R
1642. UY, Philip Michael C
1643. UY, Rona Gail V
1644. UY, Sittie Fahanie S
1645. VALDEZ, Alexis Janet J
1646. VALDEZ, Katrina Grace A
1647. VALE, Dianne C
1648. VALENCIA, Celine Blesilda A
1649. VALENCIA, Charlon Reinier O
1650. VALENZUELA, Cherrie Rose C
1651. VALENZUELA, Chery Sheil T
1652. VALERIANO, Victor Napoleon D
1653. VALLECER-PATCHO, Vanessa Marie C
1654. VALLINAS, Lorraine Jean V
1655. VALMONTE, Leorae D
1656. VARIAS, Varbra Ann A
1657. VARON, Roy M
1658. VASQUEZ, Jimmy E
1659. VEJANO, Marcus Julius D
1660. VELARDE, Jessa Ela L
1661. VELASCO, Andrew O
1662. VELASCO, Gerald M
1663. VELASCO, Paul Dominic R
1664. VELASCO, Ric John F
1665. VELASCO, Richard Andrew P
1666. VELASCO, Venus C
1667. VELASQUEZ, Jed Erickson M
1668. VELO, JR., Rosendo S
1669. VERANA, Ileen Mae V
1670. VERONILLA, Leni Fae P
1671. VERZOSA, Francisco Miguel T
1672. VERZOSA, Patricia Ester R
1673. VEVA, Ryan C
1674. VICENCIO, Jared Cecillo C
1675. VIDAURRETA, Irene D
1676. VIERNES, Cherry Anne D
1677. VILCHES, Gian Frances Nicole C
1678. VILIRAN, Christian DC
1679. VILLACORTE, Ginnie T
1680. VILLAFUERTE, Abygail June R
1681. VILLALUZ, Almera J
1682. VILLALVA, Maria Andrea C
1683. VILLAMAR, Lawrence P
1684. VILLAMOR, Anthony V
1685. VILLANUEVA, Franz Marie L
1686. VILLANUEVA, Joeyfer S
1687. VILLANUEVA, Matt Jayson S
1688. VILLANUEVA, Victor Lorenzo L
1689. VILLANUEVA-ARABIS, Maria Cristina A
1690. VILLAPANDO, Simon Peter D
1691. VILLARIN, Donnie Wayne M
1692. VILLAROJO, Sunny Ray
1693. VILLAROMAN, Gerald Tristan D
1694. VILLARUBIA, Grethel V
1695. VILLARUEL, Rita Odessa A
1696. VILLASANTA, Rosarie Raysalyn Z
1697. VILLATUYA, Luigi Miguel P
1698. VILLEGAS, Levie C
1699. VILLEGAS, Mara Angeli T
1700. VILLEGAS, Mary Louise S
1701. VILLENA, John Mark C
1702. VILLEZA, Lorraine B
1703. VILLORDON, Barwin Scott P
1704. VILLORDON, Vinci B
1705. VINARAO, Jonathan C
1706. VIOLA, Hannah May R
1707. VISCA-MARTINO, Khemle Jane T
1708. VITO, Ma. Fionna B
1709. WATANABE, Yoko Carolyn C
1710. WENCESLAO, Ma. Paula Michelle M
1711. YAMBAO, Juan Miguel G
1712. YANG, Avon Merick J
1713. YANTO, Jennifer Kristine B
1714. YAO, Aislyn Janelle L
1715. YARANON, Andrea Nikka A
1716. YBAS, Randilou S
1717. YEE, Jedd Aldrich C
1718. YEE, Ruddy Allen N
1719. YOUNG, Wesley Jefferson C
1720. YU, Nyera Hyssene O
1721. YU, Ralph Martin C
1722. YUCHONGTIAN, Annelli Jade S
1723. YULO, Judy Anne Y
1724. YUMUL, Maria Carmela C
1725. ZABALA, Raymond Rainier L
1726. ZAMBO, Bryan Anthony P
1727. ZAMORA-REY, Maria Fatima I
1728. ZAPATA, Don Jan C
1729. ZARAGOZA, Israel Jacob R
1730. ZORILLA, Ritchelle R
1731. ZULUETA-PLAMERAS, Jasmin Angeli Grace R
Friday, April 1, 2016
Case Digest: Macua vda. de Avenido v. Hoybia Avenido
G.R. No. 173540, 22 January 22 2014.
This case involves a contest between two women both claiming to have been validly married to the same man, now deceased.
Tecla Hoybia Avenido (Tecla) instituted on 11 November 1998, a Complaint for Declaration of Nullity of Marriage against Peregrina Macua Vda. de Avenido (Peregrina) on the ground that Tecla is the lawful wife of the deceased Eustaquio Avenido (Eustaquio).
Tecla alleged that her marriage to Eustaquio was solemnized on 30 September 1942 in Talibon, Bohol in rites officiated by the Parish Priest of the said town. While the a marriage certificate was recorded with the local civil registrar, the records of the LCR were destroyed during World War II. Tecla and Eustaquio begot four children, but Eustaquio left his family in 1954.
In 1979, Tecla learned that Eustaquio got married to another woman by the name of Peregrina, which marriage she claims must be declared null and void for being bigamous. In support of her claim, Tecla presented eyewitnesses to the ceremony, the birth certificate of their children and certificates to the fact that the marriage certificate/records were destroyed.
Peregrina, on the other hand averred that she is the legal surviving spouse of Eustaquio who died on 22 September 1989, their marriage having been celebrated on 30 March 1979 and showed the marriage contract between her and Eustaquio.
RTC ruled in favor of Peregrina. It relied on Tecla’s failure to present her certificate of marriage to Eustaquio. Without such certificate, RTC considered as useless the certification of the Office of the Civil Registrar of Talibon over the lack of records.
The CA, on appeal, ruled in favor of Tecla. It held there was a presumption of lawful marriage between Tecla and Eustaquio as they deported themselves as husband and wife and begot four children. Such presumption, supported by documentary evidence consisting of the same Certifications disregarded by the RTC, and testimonial evidence created sufficient proof of the fact of marriage. The CA found that its appreciation of the evidence presented by Tecla is well in accord with Section 5, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court.
ISSUE: Between Tecla and Peregrina, who was the legal wife of Eustaquio?
While a marriage certificate is considered the primary evidence of a marital union, it is not regarded as the sole and exclusive evidence of marriage. The fact of marriage may be proven by relevant evidence other than the marriage certificate. Hence, even a person’s birth certificate may be recognized as competent evidence of the marriage between his parents.
It is an error on the part of the RTC to rule that without the marriage certificate, no other proof can be accepted.
The execution of a document may be proven by the parties themselves, by the swearing officer, by witnesses who saw and recognized the signatures of the parties; or even by those to whom the parties have previously narrated the execution thereof.
In this case, due execution was established by the eyewitness testimonies and of Tecla herself as a party to the event. The subsequent loss was shown by the testimony of the officiating priest. Since the due execution and the loss of the marriage contract were clearly shown by the evidence presented, secondary evidence–testimonial and documentary–may be admitted to prove the fact of marriage.
The starting point then, is the presumption of marriage.
Every intendment of the law leans toward legalizing matrimony. Persons dwelling together in apparent matrimony are presumed, in the absence of any counter-presumption or evidence special to the case, to be in fact married. The reason is that such is the common order of society, and if the parties were not what they thus hold themselves out as being, they would be living in the constant violation of decency and of law.
Best Evidence,
Case Digest,
Family Law,
Secondary Evidence
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Case Digest: Pelizloy v. Benguet
PELIZLOY REALTY CORPORATION, represented herein by its President, GREGORY K. LOY, Petitioner, vs. THE PROVINCE OF BENGUET, Respondent.
G.R. No. 183137, 10 April 2013.
Petitioner Pelizloy Realty Corporation owns Palm Grove Resort in Tuba, Benguet, which has facilities like swimming pools, a spa and function halls.
In 2005, the Provincial Board of Benguet approved its Revenue Code of 2005. Section 59, the tax ordinance levied a 10% amusement tax on gross receipts from admissions to "resorts, swimming pools, bath houses, hot springs and tourist spots."
Pelizloy's posits that amusement tax is an ultra vires act. Thus, it filed an appeal/petition before the Secretary of Justice. Upon the Secretary’s failure to decide on the appeal within sixty days, Pelizloy filed a Petition for Declaratory Relief and Injunction before the RTC.
Pelizloy argued that the imposition was in violation of the limitation on the taxing powers of local government units under Section 133 (i) of the Local Government Code, which provides that the exercise of the taxing powers of provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays shall not extend to the levy of percentage or value-added tax (VAT) on sales, barters or exchanges or similar transactions on goods or services except as otherwise provided.
The Province of Benguet assailed the that the phrase ‘other places of amusement’ in Section 140 (a) of the LGC encompasses resorts, swimming pools, bath houses, hot springs, and tourist spots since Article 131 (b) of the LGC defines "amusement" as "pleasurable diversion and entertainment synonymous to relaxation, avocation, pastime, or fun."
RTC rendered a Decision assailed Decision dismissing the Petition for Declaratory Relief and Injunction for lack of merit. Procedurally, the RTC ruled that Declaratory Relief was a proper remedy. However, it gave credence to the Province of Benguet's assertion that resorts, swimming pools, bath houses, hot springs, and tourist spots are encompassed by the phrase ‘other places of amusement’ in Section 140 of the LGC.
ISSUE: W/N provinces are authorized to impose amusement taxes on admission fees to resorts, swimming pools, bath houses, hot springs, and tourist spots for being "amusement places" under the LGC.
Amusement taxes are percentage taxes. However, provinces are not barred from levying amusement taxes even if amusement taxes are a form of percentage taxes. The levying of percentage taxes is prohibited "except as otherwise provided" by the LGC. Section 140 provides such exception.
Section 140 expressly allows for the imposition by provinces of amusement taxes on "the proprietors, lessees, or operators of theaters, cinemas, concert halls, circuses, boxing stadia, and other places of amusement."
However, resorts, swimming pools, bath houses, hot springs, and tourist spots are not among those places expressly mentioned by Section 140 of the LGC as being subject to amusement taxes. Thus, the determination of whether amusement taxes may be levied on admissions to these places hinges on whether the phrase ‘other places of amusement’ encompasses resorts, swimming pools, bath houses, hot springs, and tourist spots.
Under the principle of ejusdem generis, "where a general word or phrase follows an enumeration of particular and specific words of the same class or where the latter follow the former, the general word or phrase is to be construed to include, or to be restricted to persons, things or cases akin to, resembling, or of the same kind or class as those specifically mentioned."
Section 131 (c) of the LGC already provides a clear definition: "Amusement Places" include theaters, cinemas, concert halls, circuses and other places of amusement where one seeks admission to entertain oneself by seeing or viewing the show or performances.
As defined in The New Oxford American Dictionary, ‘show’ means "a spectacle or display of something, typically an impressive one"; while ‘performance’ means "an act of staging or presenting a play, a concert, or other form of entertainment." As such, the ordinary definitions of the words ‘show’ and ‘performance’ denote not only visual engagement (i.e., the seeing or viewing of things) but also active doing (e.g., displaying, staging or presenting) such that actions are manifested to, and (correspondingly) perceived by an audience.
Considering these, it is clear that resorts, swimming pools, bath houses, hot springs and tourist spots cannot be considered venues primarily "where one seeks admission to entertain oneself by seeing or viewing the show or performances". While it is true that they may be venues where people are visually engaged, they are not primarily venues for their proprietors or operators to actively display, stage or present shows and/or performances.
G.R. No. 183137, 10 April 2013.
Petitioner Pelizloy Realty Corporation owns Palm Grove Resort in Tuba, Benguet, which has facilities like swimming pools, a spa and function halls.
In 2005, the Provincial Board of Benguet approved its Revenue Code of 2005. Section 59, the tax ordinance levied a 10% amusement tax on gross receipts from admissions to "resorts, swimming pools, bath houses, hot springs and tourist spots."
Pelizloy's posits that amusement tax is an ultra vires act. Thus, it filed an appeal/petition before the Secretary of Justice. Upon the Secretary’s failure to decide on the appeal within sixty days, Pelizloy filed a Petition for Declaratory Relief and Injunction before the RTC.
Pelizloy argued that the imposition was in violation of the limitation on the taxing powers of local government units under Section 133 (i) of the Local Government Code, which provides that the exercise of the taxing powers of provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays shall not extend to the levy of percentage or value-added tax (VAT) on sales, barters or exchanges or similar transactions on goods or services except as otherwise provided.
The Province of Benguet assailed the that the phrase ‘other places of amusement’ in Section 140 (a) of the LGC encompasses resorts, swimming pools, bath houses, hot springs, and tourist spots since Article 131 (b) of the LGC defines "amusement" as "pleasurable diversion and entertainment synonymous to relaxation, avocation, pastime, or fun."
RTC rendered a Decision assailed Decision dismissing the Petition for Declaratory Relief and Injunction for lack of merit. Procedurally, the RTC ruled that Declaratory Relief was a proper remedy. However, it gave credence to the Province of Benguet's assertion that resorts, swimming pools, bath houses, hot springs, and tourist spots are encompassed by the phrase ‘other places of amusement’ in Section 140 of the LGC.
ISSUE: W/N provinces are authorized to impose amusement taxes on admission fees to resorts, swimming pools, bath houses, hot springs, and tourist spots for being "amusement places" under the LGC.
Amusement taxes are percentage taxes. However, provinces are not barred from levying amusement taxes even if amusement taxes are a form of percentage taxes. The levying of percentage taxes is prohibited "except as otherwise provided" by the LGC. Section 140 provides such exception.
Section 140 expressly allows for the imposition by provinces of amusement taxes on "the proprietors, lessees, or operators of theaters, cinemas, concert halls, circuses, boxing stadia, and other places of amusement."
However, resorts, swimming pools, bath houses, hot springs, and tourist spots are not among those places expressly mentioned by Section 140 of the LGC as being subject to amusement taxes. Thus, the determination of whether amusement taxes may be levied on admissions to these places hinges on whether the phrase ‘other places of amusement’ encompasses resorts, swimming pools, bath houses, hot springs, and tourist spots.
Under the principle of ejusdem generis, "where a general word or phrase follows an enumeration of particular and specific words of the same class or where the latter follow the former, the general word or phrase is to be construed to include, or to be restricted to persons, things or cases akin to, resembling, or of the same kind or class as those specifically mentioned."
Section 131 (c) of the LGC already provides a clear definition: "Amusement Places" include theaters, cinemas, concert halls, circuses and other places of amusement where one seeks admission to entertain oneself by seeing or viewing the show or performances.
As defined in The New Oxford American Dictionary, ‘show’ means "a spectacle or display of something, typically an impressive one"; while ‘performance’ means "an act of staging or presenting a play, a concert, or other form of entertainment." As such, the ordinary definitions of the words ‘show’ and ‘performance’ denote not only visual engagement (i.e., the seeing or viewing of things) but also active doing (e.g., displaying, staging or presenting) such that actions are manifested to, and (correspondingly) perceived by an audience.
Considering these, it is clear that resorts, swimming pools, bath houses, hot springs and tourist spots cannot be considered venues primarily "where one seeks admission to entertain oneself by seeing or viewing the show or performances". While it is true that they may be venues where people are visually engaged, they are not primarily venues for their proprietors or operators to actively display, stage or present shows and/or performances.
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